Sunday, May 3, 2009

minuman kegemaran sejak kecil, pengganti susu botol.

tadi Atiq buat the last glass of Milo ever for this semester. paket Milo kecik yang Syakur belikan masa die balik Malaysia untuk PAU hari tu dah habis. this makes me rather sad. menyesal tak dera Syakur suruh beli paket besar. cewah macam die nak je belikan paket besar. sedih bukan sebab sudah takde tanda kenang-kenangan dari Syakur eh, tapi sebab Milo habis.

lek lek Amin, Tiq tak kacau punye boyfriend kawan baik anda itu. janji...heh.

(btw, Kakak/Kakwe, Syakur's got a girlfriend..don't think i've mentioned it to you. after all these years of us being dysfunctional in general, i thought you might be interested to know)

ha selamba ckp pasal Syakur sebab die takde dlm invited list. korang jangan nak kantoikan Atiq eh! syyyy.

Milo takde = jiwa kacau.

exam lusa! very the cuak one.


akuorangbiasa said...

/me is having se-mug milo yg besh di ofis...aaahh~

Iron Butterfly said...

me being otok. 4 days at home and i did nothing. Only one bloody question and exam is on the 20th.

ah. kukur. not a really interesting character. i favour amin (kakak waving to her tall fishy who looks a but like her jilted M) and pokyeh (who will alwas respond to my nonsense YM statuses and share M Nasir youtube with me).

Tengku Atique said...

arih : haha, mIRC joke! wheyyy

kakak : *paedo alert* haha. arih sokmo waklolok sweet gitu.

amin said...

kakak takleh blah ahaha...

Iron Butterfly said...

okay.. too many spelling errors! nasib but, not butt. but it's actually *bit. haish.

and *always.


Sakiinah said...

betul2..jiwa kacau kalo milo xde.
myesal x beli paket besar 3 in 1 bwk pi germany..sini xdak milo huhu
tgh bjimat cermat habis 8 milo huhu tinggal 5 :(

Tengku Atique said...

you went to spain, came back here, went back to malaysia, and then go to germany? where do you GET all that money?? crayzee. saya guna milo ori bukan 3 in 1 :P

Clueless in Love said...

so Kukur has a girlfriend now. hope his driving has also improved, nok bowok anok daro orang jalan2 :)
oh, I just had milo in your honour. hehehe.
really want to post you some, tapi mesti sapa after you come back.
hang in there...