Saturday, May 9, 2009

Letter to yourself

(it's not new in this blog, innit? hehe sorry)

i stumbled upon this while i was having a break from Pathology and reading the blog of a very intelligent 18 year old american girl because i'm weird and i stalk the most random people on earth. she posted this on her blog to answer 'HELL NO' to the 'Are you a cheer leader?' question asked by her eight year old self 10 years ago (this was a summer camp assignment i think, and the people there just gave it back to her).

it reminds me of the letter the eight of us from 5 Jahiz wrote to ourselves, shoved in a glass bottle and planted beside the academic block of mrsmpc. we promised to have a reunion 10 years later and read the letters we wrote. it's been 6 years...four more to go if fate has it written that my life will last that long.

it's not as fun though, because i can remember what i wrote. and it's also not quite as funny because i was already *cough*grown up*cough*. i'm pretty sure it consists of something along the line of 'are you a doctor now?' and 'are you still with Look??' both of which i don't really have a definite answer to, but you somehow managed to make your way to med school, and you dumped him when he got the offer to Japan because you're shallow and cannot handle a long distance relationship, Atiq from 6 years ago. but it's a good decision, you went through a crap phase of life after that and grew up so much after it ended. because nothing can make you grow as a person better than a crap phase of life.

i will suggest that if you have a younger sibling you ask them to write this letter, and give it to them 10 years later, it'd be so interesting for them.

...because believe me, 10 years flies by like it's nobody's business.



Iron Butterfly said...

yeah. time sure flies. *Sigh

Tengku Atique said...


Awah said...

hmm thinking of asking Kulat to write hers.. muahahaha. r u a dentist now? how's my tooth tree? does it grow lots of teeth?

Clueless in Love said...

we only have ONE 10-year-old now. better make her write the letter fast before she turns cynical like the rest of us -.-

sassydewi said...

awah: tu bukey soale adek, soale dictated by evil sister.

ado ore suruh doh kow adek tulih? ppohong ko adek nok tulih 'what you think you'll be in the next 10 years' or something along that line which i'm pretty sure what the trainers at the summer camp asked to write.

Tengku Atique said...

tkdok lagi kot. i suppose it's 'write a letter to the person you are 10 years from now'. tahu laaa...dh la dpt 40lebih penulisan. 'pening, adik demey key. xleh k mikir', quote unquote. haha.