Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kisah Sekolah Menengahku

haha macam tajuk karangan zaman dulu-dulu. walaupun tiga perkataan sahaja tapi tetap ada kesalahan tatabahasa. result SPM Atiq, 8 A 1 B. B Bahasa Melayu. Cikgu Bahasa Melayu Atiq jerit kat Atiq lepas Atiq keluar dari office MRSMPC ambik slip exam, die kate 'HA, TENGKU! ANAK KELING BETOL, ENGLISH 1119 DAPAT A, BAHASA MELAYU DAPAT B!!! KALAU BUKAN SEBAB AWAK, 100% ANAK MURID SAYA DAPAT A TAU!!!'

walaupun cikgu tu bagi statement berbaur racist, tapi die tetap antara cikgu yang Atiq suka. die jerit kat Atiq sambil sengih-sengih, bukan betul-betul. kalau dalam kelas, Atiq selalu kena halau sebab tidur. Atiq tidur masa semua subjek tak kira tahap kegarangan cikgu tu macam mana. kecuali masa BM, sebab Atiq suka cikgu Noraini. tapi akhirnya BM yang dapat B. Allah yang tentukan.

masa Atiq kat mrsm, Atiq low profile. cewah tipu. Atiq poyo dan dibenci ramai. hahahaha...tak tak tak. entahla. anyway, Atiq tringat satu cerita nak record in my blog. it's going to be long, you can stop reading now if you want to :]


Latar Tempat : Maktab Rendah Sains MARA Pengkalan Chepa. Kelantan, Malaysia.
Latar Masa : Tahun 2003, Minggu Orientasi...kot. tak ingat.

I was part of Adibah's Public Relation's Bureau when I was in PC. It was Orientation Week for the juniors, and each Bureau in the Student Body had a slot to fill with an activity. I was the mastermind for the game in our slot, so I had to run around the school as the juniors played it, making sure everything is running as planned. I was walking with a couple of my friends when I saw a group of juniors walking towards us, one of them was talking on a handphone.

Now, to be clear. I was not a poyo senior. To be honest, I was always the type who don't take too much notice about my juniors. Don't know them, don't care about all the schools I went to. I hated the seniority that exists in mrsms, it was just ridiculous. It's just a one year gap, they should all just chill.

When I walked past that junior, I said (sarcastically);

'eh..selamba nye guna handphone in public.'

Jeling manja sikit. Saja je...poyo sekali sekala. Tapi lepas tu Atiq jalan straight je...tak berhenti pun. Tiba-tiba dengar dari belakang suara orang jerit;


darah muda menyirap naik ke muka masa dengar tu. 'eh kurang ajar punya junior, baru masuk dah bising ye engkau' fikir aku dalam hati. gehehe macam tulis novel pulak rase. tapi i just let it go masa tu, malas nak create scene. tapi mestila lepas tu balik blok and bising kat semua orang kan, haha. masa tu Atiq muda lagi...not even 16. bitchy lagi. kalau jadi sekarang mesti Atiq tak layan and fikir 'sukehati kau lah Sabariah' sahaja.


I was sitting in front of my 'cube' on Aras 01, Blok E. Studying at my usual spot, under the fan. It was just another normal night in school, some people were studying, some hanging out...and some running around and screaming, generally being seventeen year old girls living in a hostel.

'Atiq! Atiq! Amy* panggil suruh kau pegi Blok C.'

'Huh? Aku?? Kenapa??'

'Ada roll call!'

'Haaa?? Abes tu ape kaitan dengan aku kalau ada roll call pun??'

'Entah mana aku tahu. Pegi ah weh, diorang panggil!'

I turned my cap to the back, looking as gangsta as I could. Oh ape masalah pulak tibe-tibe kena pegi roll call ni. Leceh betul la.

I ran to the juniors block to see a typical scene of the junior's block at night; LDPs standing in front looking like they're about to turn green and blow up into Incredible Hulks, juniors squatting in the dark in lines, faces down. I could hear Al-Quran recitation being played on the radio coming from the boys' LDP room...don't ask. I don't know why either. Nak tenangkan hati LDP girls yang dah macam kena rasuk syaiton tu kot.

'Kenapa ni weh?'

'Ha...datang pun kau Atiq. Kau cite siket kat budak-budak ni, ape jadi kat kau siang tadi!!'

Huh??? Sudahhh...sape pulak pegi cite kat LDP nihh.

'Weh, tak payah ah sampai buat roll call kot.'

(ignoring me) 'Sape kurang ajar sangat dengan Kak Atiq tadi?? Sape??!!'

After they coaxed me into telling the juniors what happened...well. I somehow terjangkit kena rasuk syaiton same and start rasa annoyed jugak towards the juniors.

'Oh, siang tadi kurang ajar sangat. Berani sangat! Sekarang takut pulak nak ngaku!!'

'Semua, berdiri separuh!!!!'

'Weh, tak payah ah suruh diorang diri camtu. Sakit ah weh. Sian diorang'

(ignoring me) 'Atiq, aku nak kau pegi check muka sorang-sorang, cam kan sape siang tadi tu. Amy, kau pegi suluh muka diorang untuk Atiq'

'Wehhhhh aku tak cam ahh muka budak tu!!! Tak payah la weh!'

Amy, ignoring me, just walked ahead and started to shine her torchlight directly on the juniors faces, and I had to follow suit, all the while chanting 'Wey sian kat diorang, aku tak cam la! Korang ni kenapa??'

After I failed to recognize her face, I told them I was heading back to Block E.

'Jangan balik dulu Atiq...tunggu jap'

Thinking back...I think I was bullied as much as the juniors were, sitting down in front of them doing nothing, feeling awkward. The LDPs kept yelling at the juniors for some other stuff. The Quran recitation was still playing from the boys' block.

'Atiq. ni hah...ngaku pun'

I looked up to see a girl standing in front of me, her face was the definition of terrified.

'Sorry kak...tadi saya on the phone dengan ayah saya. Die kat IJN, sakit. Sebab tu saya tension sikit bila akak sound.'

'Lah...cakap la awal-awal. Takpe. *turns to Amy* Weh...habes tu? Aku nak buat ape dengan budak ni? *turns back to the girl without waiting for Amy to answer* Dah ah, gi ah duduk. Sorry jugak'


Latar Tempat : Physiology Department floor, Windle Building. Cork, Ireland.
Latar Masa : Tahun 2008

'Kak Atiq, akak kenal tak kawan saya sorang ni...die junior akak kat mrsmpc'

'Akak tak kenal junior la Aliyah..'

'Tapi kawan saya ni femess....dulu die..'

'..yang femes pun akak tak kenal. Diorang je kenal akak...haha.' Bukan sombong, nyanyuk.

'Tak, kawan saya ni, semua orang kenal die. Dulu, masa die form 4, die ade kes ni...macam mana tah..die cam guna handphone kat sekolah, lepas tu die cam gaduh dengan sorang senior ni, satu batch die kena marah..'


'...akak kenal tak die? Nama die...ape eh...Aina* kot?'

'...ya Allah..'

'Akak kenal ek??'

'....akak la senior tu.'

'haaa?? Akak tau tak, die cam sampai keluar mrsm kot sebab semua orang tak suke die lepas incident tu? Tapi saya rasa cam die masuk balik mrsmpc..tak sure..'



Manusia. Akalnya cetek. Mereka tidak sedar sekecil-kecil kesilapan mereka boleh memberi impak yang besar ke atas orang lain.


*bukan nama sebenar


akuorangbiasa said...

BUTTERFLY EFFECT....i think u shud change the background colour la...just realized it when i was reading this post (hok panjang amaaatthhh nih)...lepah baco then i look around me...mace visual jd saturated kaler meroh...hope u can fix this problem as it involves others oso....if nit i will report this to DOSH (Department of Occupational Safety & Health)!! Hazardous Blog!! hahahahaha (TQ)

Tengku Atique said...

payohla ado ore tuo baco blog gak. hehe. ala malah la nok edit rih, takpo bukey sotmo i tulih panjey2 ginih, skalo so perenggey takdop la penna sangat mato u deh.

nati kalu i tulih pendek2, mato u penna jugok...apa kata u paka spek. gehehehehhe.

kalu ado ore laing komplen jugok i tuka k yang berhormat engineer.

Tengku Atique said...

*ops tok ingak u memey paka spek pom. ngaahahh ampunn

Iron Butterfly said...


I try to tell everyone who speak to me to ignore these people trying to exert their so-called power on people who they think less of.

But you'll see, in the end, these people are the very people who become losers and social outcasts when they are out in the real world. (tengokla sapo akhirnyo hok organised MRSM reunion. yours truly. MPP sekor pong takdop ok. Nada. Not even one.)

I've been victim to those stupid losers. That's why nowadays i don't give a flick to what they wanna say.

Maylin often said she's always annoyed with my self-confidence. I don't think my self-confidence is overbearing, I just won't let stupid people (like those MRSM LDPs) to stamp all over me.

Because they are not worth it.

I felt so high-strung reading this because it reminds me of the stupidity of my seniors, and people from my batch.

I pity that girl. You should find her, and say sorry again to her. Evil that you think I am, even I never said anything to a junior like u did. No matter how much you think it's harmless.

Because a lot of MRSM students are socially retarded and daghak. Okay I hope you never invite any of my friends here in your blog. Key gegey pulok. U knowlah, MRSM people. haha.

(sorry for the essay. i just to let this off my chest.)

Iron Butterfly said...

in case u didn't get me, i said because a lot of MRSM students are socially retarded and daghak, they always blow things out of proportions, when there's actually nothing to it.

too bad when i was back in my MRSM, i organized 'career talk'. if it's about 'surviving MRSM', i would give those seniors an earful (or more)on how to treat juniors with some class. hhmph.

Tengku Atique said...

while i do think that they're not exactly the kind of people i would want to be friends with, i won't call them socially retarded, stupid or losers. they're just unfortunate that it took them a long time to grow up and have the emotional maturity to realize that what they were doing was pointless and just plain wrong. a lot of them mellowed into very nice people, and i'm sure they have a hard time being embarassed of the person they were when they reflect back on the old days.

asqa said...

Kak Atiq??
aren't you the same age as your junior?

amin said...

orang daghak..lame sungguh tak dgr perkataan tu lol

Iron Butterfly said...

well like i said, 'evil that i am' - i am not as nice as you and i cant be bothered to be politically correct and say nice things when they WERE socially retarded in school.

and No, i dont think they really feel embarrassed about it. sadin jah add me in facebook thinking i want to be friends with them. (ni TKClaa.. i'm okay with my batchmates in MRSMKT, smirk dale hati jah dengan kedaghak-an mereka).

but at least i never said anything hurtful to my juniors. they all liked 'Gf Abang Ameer'. Heh.

beeRamza said...

1. tiq, u r never a senior. koya. hahaha..

2. well, u got so many points there..being a bully, or part of it was not sumthing to be proud wif. tokleh cito ko anok2 cucu pon..wak malu jah. *huk*

3. i guess its not ur fault *melihat pada keadaan*. environment tu gitu, maybe kalu maso tu atiq duk the same school as mine. u'll end up goccoh in the middle of the canteen or the school field. haha. lagi ganas.

4. atiq, dont bother bout arih's comment. ore2 tuo tok pehe art. whaha. ore laen tok sakik mato pon~ yeayy!

wats past can neva b repaired. ive learnt mine. =)

Tengku Atique said...

Asqa : shadap u. haha. asqa, amin, beha...korang sme langkau kelas ehh jangan nk cakap saye sahaja. gegege.

Amin : ganung celup

Kak : i guess tengok orey lah kot, xleh nk generalize. i wasn't just being nice, because i know i wasn't matured enough when i was in school and did a lot of things i'm ashamed of, and regret doing. not everyone is lucky and have the right personality from a young age. tp kalu pah besa x nyesal pranga gitu maso kecik gak...laing crito la.

Beha : haha...aduhsss gocoh nah. atiq nnakut, doh la kecek. x brani nk gocoh2 ni...kekeke. sekeh buleh la, tu pom kalu saiz2 beha bulehla atiq nk sekeh, ore laing tok sapa nk sekeh..hehehe. yeayyy beha tok sakit mato!! sayangggg behaw. <33

amin said...

rindu ar mrsm kt..btol tak kak? haha

sassydewi said...

i think her dad being sick doesnt justify her rudeness. a) she WAS wrong anyway. you didnt make the rule. b) baru msk buat lah caro baru msk. i'm not in support of seniority but we should show some respect where it's due. sometimes the seniors do have merit for what they do. for example, if she bumps into a teacher with handphone in hand, that may have caused a spot check or something yang menyusahkan org lain.

as for what the LDP did. geezzzzz.... squat-roll call in the middle of the night?? damn. sakik gilo kott. never had any of those. Ngahahaha..*mode eksen* gi je lah panggey dio pahtu tanyo bakpo kurey aja sgt.. tok payoh la kecoh2. easier and more effective.

and tiq, don't let regret eats you away. she chose to stop schooling there. shit happens. and you did say sorry to her.

Tengku Atique said...

true that.

...i wasn't even mad enough to call on her personally though, haha. not enough of a drama queen to do it, kwang2. thanks sis. yeah...shit happens. it doesn't make it right tho :/

Iron Butterfly said...

Min, ak ah.. rindu jugaklaaa kat MRSMKT. tapi dah terubat sebab dah balik reunion. kwang3..

w 8 z said...

ala tiq...

sindrom kesenioran itu nurmal apo..
sebab kito raso doh jadi junior ke, nok la jd senior pulop..
