Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Definisi cantik kita semua.

membesar dalam masyarakat melayu membuat atiq merasa, lebih putih seseorang itu, maka lebih cantiklah dia. tambahan pula hidup dengan seorang mama yang mengamalkan dasar apartheid. bukti;

Kakak : Smak laaa *insert person here*
Mama : hmh...putih ko?

i believe this conversation has happened many times with the first watak being interchangeable and the second watak being pembolehubah dimalarkan.

atiq tak suka mentaliti 'rambut lurus + putih = cantik', 'rambut kerinting + hitam = buruk' sempitnya fikiran? i mean, as long as rambut dia tak kusut masai, pastu kulit dia flawless...warna lah apebenda kejadah pun kulit dia tu, to me still cantik. kalau pakai tudung tu alhamdulillah...memang drop dead gorgeous by default. hahaha. obviously untuk atiq je...untuk orang lain tak tahu. atiq je yang lurus bendul. *cewah perasan lurus bendul.

(jangan nak cakap tak semua orang yang tak pakai tudung tu lagi jahat dari orang pakai tudung please...keluar context)

i am PROUD to be brown/yellow/whatever. i don't wish to be any fairer...well at least not since the last 5-6 years. kita orang Asia weh, we don't need to be fair to be pretty! tengok orang-orang Australia, sebab diorang putih, pastu duduk kat negara panas...tak pasal-pasal rate skin cancer tinggi. hargailah kulit sawo matang anda.

and, kita orang Asia, kita tak payah nak jadi 6 feet tall. kita juga tak payah rambut blonde! black hair is PERFECT for our skin tone. dan kita tak payah bagi nama kampung kita, Kampung New York (kisah benar)..sesungguhnya lebih menarik kalau nama Kampung Durian, seriously. and what's with calling Setiawangsa Seattlewangsa...???!!??

people put the mat sallehs on a pedestal. while i DO think the people here are better mannered and while i DO feel safer living here, it doesn't mean we have to BE them.

kita orang melayu. memang atiq suka tulis in english tapi itu tak bermaksud atiq nak rambut perang atau mata biru. atiq nak tinggi tapi takde la sampai enam kaki. atiq taknak kampung atiq nama My Grandpa's Field Village instead of Kampung Padang Tokku (haha).

tapi atiq nak jadi orang yang tahan pintu untuk orang seterusnya yang nak lalu supaya pintu tu tak terhempas atas muka dia, dan jadi orang yang terus bangun dari tempat duduk bas bila nampak ada orang tua naik, dan terus berdiri walaupun orang tua tu berkeras kata takpe.

faham tak atiq nak cakap apa ni...?

i may not be orang yang paling melayu dalam dunia ni. cakap pun rojak. bila cakap bahasa melayu, banyak kesalahan tatabahasa. tapi at least i am proud of who i am.

i can't stand mat salleh wannabes.


p.s. this is not a personal attack.


w 8 z said...

beauty lies in the eyes of beholder :)

ala, kampung sayo lagi lah, Kampung Dalam Kota. Kalo translate jadi ganne ey? hihi

Iron Butterfly said...

well i use azah michael in twitter. u knowlah i dont like to be found by my company or you-know-who. haha.

anyway, ur post reminded me when i was in MMU during the induction week. almost everybody there speak english and there's this one guy who spoke up during a Q&A session.

"... i live in MAIN BEAR HILL PARK.. why is there... "

we were like "What.." and so was the person whom he was addressing. then after he repeated it a couple of times ALL OF US (including those in Cyberjaya because kononnya canggihlaa siap ado video conference skali nga the other campus. i was in Ayer Keroh) fell into fits of laughter.

he actually translated his taman. It's actually TAMAN BUKIT BERUANG UTAMA.

he was a legend there. people will say "ohh.. mamat main bear hill park" tu ker.

my.. my.. it was damn dunny. seriously.

Clueless in Love said...

I totally understand .
Now that I am older (and wiser) I thought kalu lah everybody takes care of what Allah already bestowed. Jago rambut, kulit, body (ehem2).. so that we can look our best, comel blana doh.. nice skin, nice teeth, nice hair, healthy body ~ all original = CANTIK.

beeRamza said...

saya sgt2 stuju with Kakwe..especially part ALL ORIGINAL..!

yeah, im proud of who i am too.


amin said...

putih+tinggi+rambut lurus?
sape tu sape?


nice post btw

akunokngepen said...

yea im proud oso

Tengku Atique said...

Dibah : true that. Village in Town?? hahaha

Kakak : hahahah i remember that story, you told us when we were in Si Merah in Melaka. i remember a lot of odd insignifant things..sigh.

Kakwe : tu lahh. but, jaga also kulit still sensitive and jadi like forbidden (macam haram) T__T

Beha : :D

Amin : putih+tinggi+rambutlurus+perasan

Arih : beci laaa bilo u tinggal komen tok ikhlas sebab nk ngepeng *tibo2 bilo turn reply msg arih jadi bekeng haha* <33

Iron Butterfly said...

Si Merah - it took me a total of 7 seconds to think what Si Merah is. oh.. i miss Si Merah.. *Sobs

(teringat Kak We cried when I drove off in Si Merah from Section 7)