Tuesday, April 28, 2009

there isn't enough hours in a day



...sorry. i love you.

Monday, April 27, 2009

killer plank position

i was sleepy from the cozy weather/studying combination, so i did the plank position. the recommended 30-45seconds? in my dreams. i did it for like 10 seconds before, not just my knees, but my WHOLE BODY, like stomach hands legs foot head (okay maybe not head) began to shake violently. heh kalau hebat buatla buatla. mesti sme orang boleh buat at least 45 seconds, atiq je yang cacat T__T

kenapa die ni nak buat plank dekat tepi pantai, mainla volleyball ke, melayari ombak ke, kan lebih menarik.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

era tidur tunggang terbalik telah bermula

saya mempunyai beberapa tips untuk memastikan anda tidur sekejap sahaja (2-4 jam), samada untuk belajar, untuk bangun on time for class setelah stay up menemani rakan yang sedang mengalami tekanan jiwa, atau untuk sembahyang tahajud (alhamdulillah....boleh berkenalan? gehehe. ops lupe plak blog private)
  1. tidur di atas duvet, bukan di dalam duvet. ini akan menyebabkan anda terbangun awal untuk kencing. mungkin tidak berkesan untuk mereka yang tinggal di negara-negara beriklim khatulistiwa. untuk memastikan keberkesanan sebelum tidur minum air banyak2.
  2. tidur secara duduk. anda akan terjaga kerana sakit tengkuk atau sakit pinggang.
  3. sebelum tidur berdoa mintak tolong Allah hantar malaikat tolong kejutkan pada pukul berapa2. terbukti berkesan...insyaAllah.
  4. kunci jam loceng yang mempunyai alarm yang memekak dan letak pada jarak yang mana anda perlu bangun untuk mencapainya. apabila bangun jangan mengada nak masuk duvet semula.
  5. semakkan buku-buku disekeliling anda supaya apabila anda tidur anda tidak boleh bergerak langsung. anda akan terjaga kerana tidur tidak selesa ataupun kerana terkejut bunyi buku Pathology setebal dua inci setengah jatuh ke lantai.
sekian. selamat mencuba! segala sakit kepala boleh diubati dengan Panadol dan izin Allah.

yang benar,
doctor wannabe yang mengamalkan cara hidup paling tidak sihat dalam planet.

menghalau keluar secara subtle

the junior that's going to take over my room has been texting me, asking general questions about the furniture, what she needs to buy and all that. i'll probably just give her the double bed bedsheets i have...sigh.

as much as i hate the pondan heater and the power point that keeps trying to give me electric shocks, i'm going to miss the little things i do here. like having this race only i know about, in which i try to wake up before my neighbour hangs out her laundry (that mainly consists of her husband's DHL red and yellow uniform), and seeing my horrifying morning face in the enourmous mirror opposite the bed first thing every morning.

most of all i shall miss taking everything niesa says the wrong way and making her feel bad by pretending she'd hurt my feelings, and making Hanis Zalikha/Izdiyani/YouTube related jokes/references that nobody else gets except for her.

...and stealing her food too, obviously.

i nearly spelled the above except 'accept'. i fail at life.

Friday, April 24, 2009


i'm supposed to be at a solat hajat function thing right now, but my head is killing me. m gonna go to bed and wake up around midnight to study.

so i made the cab wait at a nearby parking lot while i ran to get the signature from my gp. you really don't want to know how much it costed me. the cab driver was this nice old man who thinks he will die if he goes to Malaysia after i told him how hot it is there.

i went to campus this afternoon, and half of the college kids are being crazy and happy in general because the weather's fantastic, and the other half is frantic and panicky. take a guess at which group i belong to.

oh and gp is General Practitioner by the way, kinda like the doctors at the private clinics in Malaysia. the healthcare system is different over here, it's hard to explain.

i'm in a blah mood right now :( doakan my studies?

love you lots.

going to Crimesville

Stephen's ignoring the fact that we need to go up to Knocknadodgy (a.k.a. Knocknaheeney) again for signatures on our attendance sheet since it was closed last time we went there, so i haz no bodyguard to teman me when i go there kejap lagi, walaupun hanya berjalan keluar dari teksi menuju ke klinik gp tp this is Crimesville we're talking about and people always look like they want to beat Stephen up for walking with me! ....okay that might just be me being paranoid.

i'm really scared to go alone, and if i ask the cab driver to wait in front of the surgery while i go in and get the signs it's going to cost me a bejillion euros because obviously the gp can't sign it straightaway since it's a busy medical centre


i hate youuuu Stephen MMurrrpphhyyyyyy why can't you just drive us theeeerrreee grrrrrrr

Stephen Murphy Ah, couldn't be bothered with it because the person in the office told me I was fine. Thanks for letting me know though!

tapi they sent me an email asking for it and i'm a skema student and all that aaaahhhhhhhh

----> SUBJECT OF ANGST WITH FAKE INNOCENT FACE. picture stolen off facebook for extra creepy/angst effect.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

LOL wut?

funny pictures of cats with captions

funny pictures of cats with captions

funny pictures of cats with captions


It's about time to pick up that squasy racket again, little miss.

i had leftover fried rice (there was only a sendukful left) and Milo for breakfast/lunch because i ran out of milk, cereal, bread and eggs, and there's still flour in the cupboard but i grew tired of eating pancakes.

i had nothing left to have for dinner, and i really don't feel like cooking a full meal.

so i went to Lidl and walked back home with two full shopping bags of crap hanging on my shoulders, a huge bottle of milk in my left hand and Niesa's huge black umbrella in my right one, because it was a drizzly spring afternoon.

i bought:
  • Lidl's giant packet of cheese & onion crisps
  • Haddock fillets
  • Fish fillets
  • Doner kebabs
  • Bread
  • Muffin breads
  • Bananas
  • Milk
  • Cereal
  • Eggs
  • Lidl instant ramens
  • Tea biscuits
  • Butter
i nearly bought a margherita pizza, too. but decided against it.

don't worry, these will be consumed in the span of more than a month, i promise.

having said that, i nearly finished item #1 in one go. haha. it was my dinner!

love me even if i'm fat, please?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

pretty amazing day

my landlord came to mow our lawn and when he finished i opened my bedroom window..i thought my day couldn't get any better when the scent of spring breeze and freshly cut grass filled my room, but then i got a text telling me my nanny/2nd mommy safely gave birth to her first son (at the age of 42, mind you) via c-sect.

alhamdulillah :)

this means he shares the same birthday with KuZett. what a lovely coincidence, sharing a birthday with our youngest sister. it's still the 22nd in Malaysia too, right?

17 again

'when you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not. It's only the beginning'

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tengku Nur Zahirah pergi camping

hanya anak bongsu seperti Tengku Nur Zahirah sahaja yang boleh pergi camping pada umur sepuluh tahun. kurang asam punya budak. atiq tingkatan lima baru boleh pergi camping tu pun sebab tipu cakap wajib. eh ke memang wajib ek? rasa cam tipu je. nak pergi aktiviti kelas dekat sungai congkak pun kena cakap nak pergi ke 'Congkak', dibuang perkataan sungai didepan kerana bimbang keizinan tidak akan diberi jika air-airan terlibat sama. cehs.

esok harijadi ke sepuluh Tengku Nur Zahirah (OMG TECHNICALLY SHE WENT CAMPING AT THE AGE OF NINE??!??!) maka dia akan menyambutnya bersama nyamuk2 dan sakit belakang tidur didalam khemah di kem kijang (mungkin juga hujan renyai2 dan ada bunyi2 menakotkan).

anak bongsu Tengku Mahmood yang manja, demanding dan bahan lawak keluarga yang utama. she makes life that much more bearable with her antics :) tidak ramai orang yang mempunyai adik bongsu sekecik adik saya itu, maka saya bertuah kerana mempunyai bahan lawak utama di rumah, at least for another year or two before she grows up. terpaksa menunggu awah melahirkan bahan lawak seterusnya (gehehehehe).

have you ever flipped through a thick book looking for an explanation for a small topic, or frantically scanned through the small prints of the index page for a keyword, and then wishing you can press ctrl+f?


internet downsizing

  • deleted my facebook toolbar bookmark.
  • deleted my browsing history so it'll be an effort to go to sites i don't have the address memorized.
  • got back to using google reader so i can read all the blogs i read in one place.
  • cut down my google reader feed by half.
  • set the comments section of this blog to non-moderated because it's now private so i rarely ever reject comments anymore anyway, and made it so i'd get an email everytime someone leaves a comment.
  • set yahoo! mail as my 'home' button.
  • deleted the 'most visited' tab on my firefox toolbar.

it's time to get down to business.

p.s: my toolbar look naked with just four tabs - google reader, blogger dashboard, blackboard, and dictionary.com (LOL proof of geekyness)

Monday, April 20, 2009

jumping on the bandwagon

i've always thought it was about time i do a blog appearance overhaul, but i never really found templates i like. i haven't had a bubble bath since i left kak rose and kak cikin's apartment two years ago, and i came up with the name because bubble baths kept me sane. it calms me down during one of the most trying times of my life, and it deserves some credit. but the name reminds me of those times...i'm a new person now. i'm stronger, and i'm more confident in my studies. i'm actually doing better too, alhamdulillah.

i wanted to change the title to 'this is the diary of a freak/geek', but i suppose there would be those who don't know of the tv show Freaks and Geeks and would take it as a negative connotation. now that i said that....as if 'this is a diary for the freaks and geeks' makes it any better la kan. WHOTever. if you're popular and you're not a geek you shouldn't be reading my blog :P

i discovered this cutest blog on the block website through my sisters and it's just way too adorable, so it isn't that hard to find a template that i like. the sidebar on the right needs some getting used to, but what do you think about this? yay/nay?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

saya sayang rakan rakan serumah saya.

crazy/fun times :]

big shoutout to amin si tinggi yang vain. happy birthday, sengal. sila belajar dan jangan asyik main dota. dota itu menghancurkan masa depan. haha.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

'blah blah blah...you're fat'

i made this before i left but never got the time to upload it because i was rushing to catch the plane. the title is a quote from somewhere, you win if you know. and no niesa, you're not allowed to participate in teh guessing game.


warsaw? apa itu warsaw?

saya baru pulang dari Poland. had fantastic company and fantastic times :)

learned a whole bunch of Polish words to fish out some smiles from the masam and unfriendly Polish people, and succeeded :)

when we first got there, we got a taxi and Kak Yan went in the front seat and tesilap duduk kat driver seat sebab driver seat die kat belah kiri, bahahahaha. we all cracked up, naseb baek cab driver tu gelak/confuse, if he was a typical Polish guy he prolly would've thought we were trying to steal the car or something.

i like Warszawa (pronounced Var-sha-va) and them pretty lady friends i have there so much, but it's always good to be back to a place where we know how to read the signs and labels and people speak English and SMILE. really, Europian people need to just chill. very the serious one. pastu atiq sengaja je kan pakai baju kurung masa pergi airport nak balik sini tu, pastu selamba simpan coat dalam beg sebab panas. hah ambik engkau suka tengok pelik aku pakai tudung, sekali aku pegi pakai baju kurung. TENGOK LA TENGOK INGAT AKU KISAH KE. cehh. saya tidak terjejas dengan jelingan-jelingan manja anda. hmph.

sekarang perlu belajar dengan gigih! go go go Atiqah!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

i'm all new.

i vacuumed the room. washed the sheets. showered. opened the windows. i haven't put on new sheets on the bed, i kinda like how it looks right now. just...white, and fresh.

the air smells of spring and the backyard is dotted by small yellow and white flowers, the sun is shining and the sky is the brightest blue. the birds are singing and the trees are swaying...

the world can never cease to amaze me.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

takut exam dah start datang

these past few days have been so...surreal. i really want things to go back to normal. i just realized only have like 5/6 days per subject to study, before the finals. that's just crazy, and i am super scared. i have to pass this year, i have have have have to. i'm smart enough for this i'm smart enough for this i'm smart enough for this *chants*.

takde perasaan nak blog bila kehidupan macam tunggang langgang. need to rearrange myself and susun my thoughts and calm down.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Dalam hati Atiqah ada cinta

yang paling istimewa, untuk Yuhanis dearest.. malaikat sampaikan tak salam yang Atiq hantar...?~

Thursday, April 9, 2009

the dreaded EMQ results came out :O

i passed. i barely passed. aaaaa takot. okok kena belajar Pathology dengan lebih gigih dan tekun. tadi hantar essay. the essay is filled with sappy poetry because that is how my mood is right now, don't judge me :'/

telah menghantar esei pada pukul 4:57pm, 3 minit lagi mahu dateline. ini adalah kerana saya seorang procrastinator yang professional. haih. tabiat yang tidak patut dipunyai oleh seorang da'ie. *geleng-geleng kepala.

atiq lega sangat that all my continuous assesments have passed, and i only failed one paper. tu pun pass one part, fail one part, therefore fail the whole paper. hopefully the fact that i got 2nd class honors for my osce would cover that one up.

kalau tanya about my continuous assesments masa first year...pehhh. fail all the way.

God is mysterious in His ways, but He knows best, so redha je lah :)

p.s. ini bukan entry belagak kkkk...omg ramai kott dapat 2nd class for the osce. 40 people out of 120 lebih kurang.

darling, i wish.

tons of things in my brain, song stuck in my head.
conscience blackmailing me.
i chose the right way, despite longing for that wrong turn.
a huge improvement, shall i just say?

people will make assumptions until the day we die.
darling, i wish they knew.

that i am their moon in bright daylight.

not there for them,
not there for me neither.

will you let them know?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

tempting wrong turns

stephen texted me last night offering a ride to the GP to get his signature on our attendance sheets, so i delightfully said yes. the area is this dodgy place called Knocknaheeney or summat and the GP specifically warned me not to go there on my own, so that's really nice of stephieface.

turned up in front of his doorstep around midday and off we went to Knocknadodgy (me, Stephen, and his girlfriend. haha). when we got there the surgery was CLOSED, quoting the builder guy 'it's recession! halfday on wednesdays so!'

haih...nasib badan. annoying betul. nasib baik stephieface said he'd text me sometime next week when he's driving up to the surgery again. sigh.

the sky is the bluest blue though today, and i could've done without my layers, which is nice.

and oh...nobody in the class failed the OSCE, 2 ppl got 1st class, and a bunch got 2nd class. i got myself into that bunch alhamdulillah :) yeay.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

the 7th of April

is sort of a big deal, but i forgot that 'twas a big deal because i slept at 7.30am and got up feeling all biol.

and now atiqah is bersalah and doesn't really know how to make up to it. sigh. story of my life.

nak tulis essay BH ni. listening to the right songs to put me in a writing mood.

4000 words, WHAT.

Monday, April 6, 2009

this brain we have

functions in such mysterious ways, methinks. there'll be times when you are SO influenced by emotions that your brain can't say ANYTHING to you to help your judgment. your judgment just goes haywire and you do stupid things you can't reverse. if in the rare occassion that you DIDN'T do the wrong thing, you'd be left feeling gutted that you didn't do it (inorite, sounds so crazy and irrational), and it takes freaking DAYS for you to realize that it's a good thing, that decision. and in those days you were left feeling confuzzled and you can't function properly.

i am in that confuzzled state right now and i am emceeing tonight. BAD combination. BAD, BAD, combination.
missing people is painful. i wish i can have like a cupboard lined with my favourite people in the world, so i can take them out to play anytime i want to.

it's spring break. i'm emceeing the AGM tonight. i don't know why they want me toooo. i'm a disastrous emcee. i don't know how to say no when ppl ask me for favours.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

usrah paling cool dalam planet.

...kalau tak caye tanya kitorang.

IQ test because i can't sleep and i'm bored

this is for Didie - i did the classic IQ test on some site i googled up. i got 135...it's kinda average methinks. how's yours? if it's significantly lower, it's probably because of the language parts. if it's a little bit lower, then you'll grow to be better than me when you're my age, and if it's the same/higher...well. WELL. whatever. i got into med school. haha /loser.

Visionary Philosopher
Your IQ Score is: 135

Your mind's strengths allow you to think ahead of the game — to imagine or anticipate what should come next in just about any situation. Because you're equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with great ideas. The timelessness of your vision and the balance between your various skills are what make you a Visionary Philosopher.

In addition to your strengths in math and linguistics, you have a knack for matching and anticipating patterns. These skills and your uncanny ability to detect the underlying blueprint of most of life's situations add to your Visionary Philosopher mind. Two philosophers who share the same combination of skills you possess are Plato and Benedict Spinoza. Spinoza had insight into how things worked in the world. He could envision a future based on the patterns he saw in life, and used mathematical logic as a structure within which to present his philosophical arguments. With that base he was able to use logic to formulate his theories. Borrowing from his linguistic strengths he wrote eloquent texts and, therefore, was able to bring his philosophical ideas and structure to the rest of the world. His story exemplifies the talents that are present in the Visionary Philosopher intellectual type.

Whatever you decide to do in life, you've got a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a wide variety of ways. You can expand your mind to understand a situation. Your strong balance of math and verbal skills will help you explain things to others. For example, if you were on an archaeological dig and discovered an object, you could probably use your deductive powers to figure out not only what the object was but also how it was used. Given your ability to put things together, you are more than capable of inventing a life plan that is in synch with your perspective on how things were, how they are, and how they might be one day.

oh crap somebody's alarm just went off. i didn't realize it's THAT late!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

on the people we call doctors.

'I suppose you could argue that they’re just human, just like the rest of us. They don’t rely on super-powers, they rely on years of training and educated guesses. But I will not stop obsessively loving/stalking them and here is why. The thing that blows my mind is that they have to trust their own judgment, every day, make snap decisions and go with it – and when a life is on the line – that takes guts. When was the last time you ordered a latte and didn’t immediately wonder if you maybe wanted a cappuccino instead? For me, it was this morning and if people’s lives depended on me making timely, confident decisions and not looking back… well, they’d be dead as doornails. So I’m gonna go ahead and say that while they may not be gods, they may not be flying around in capes, the people in the white coats are still pretty damn special. And yes, maybe just a little more special than the rest of us.'

Jenna Bans, one of the scriptwriters for Grey's Anatomy.



ok atiqah sila jangan annoying. baik.

sekarang mari kita senaraikan perkara-perkara yang atiqah perlu lakukan. baik.

1. JEMUR BAJU, dari semalam dah siap ye atiqah sila jgn buat2 lupa, takde elves yang akan datang tolong jemurkan, ini bukan cerita Enid Blyton.
2. basuh baju.
3. basuh cadar.
4. basuh kain semayang. pehh banyak la pulak nak kena basuh. kasut tunggu summer lah baru basuh. karang rosak kalau keringkan guna artificial heat.
5. buat homework usrah.
6. godek email cari itinerary nak pegi Bangkok. selambeerrr je engkau hilangkan ye atiqah.
7. VACUUM BILIK. ya Allah anak dara tolooonggglah vacuum bilik ni. dah tak tau dah warna sebenar carpet ni apedie.
8. pergi ke rumah jiran dan memberi biskut. simpan lagi sehari nescaya akan habis.
9. buat jadual study untuk belajar for final exam T__T
10. essay BH
11. essay CP

perlu segera melaksanakan kerja yang lain selepas selesai satu pekerjaan! no qada' qada' tido ehh. kalau penat betul2 baru bley tido extra awal. ini arahan dari Allah yang Maha Esa, bukan dari atiqah. bukan bukan.

'Maka apabila engkau telah selesai (dari sesuatu urusan), tetaplah bekerja keras (untuk urusan yang lain)'
Al-Insyirah, 94:7


p.s. tengku nadiah liyana, beta lupa iq beta berapa. 130 kot? cewah reka cerita. iq anda berapa?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

my Spanish homework

Tengku Nur Atiqah Tengku Mahmood
Date : 21.01.09

(5) Ejercicio 8.A.

Persona elegida es Linda.
Relacion conmigo: es mi hermana.
Ocupacion: escritora.
Edad: 25 anos. (LOLOL i don't even remember why i put 25 XD)
Aspecto fisico: bastante pequena pero muy guapa.
Caracter: es una chica muy simpatica y agradable.
Gustos y aficiones: le gusta mucho cocinar, y leer en la biblioteca (blatant lies due to my limited vocab gehehe)

so it actually happens in real life?

i thought only people in tvs are too busy to call their moms. i guess it happens when we get into the working stage of life, or summat? that's quite depressing. the bubble has been popped and i don't like it.

i'm making a mental note to at least call mama once a week no matter how busy i am, when i work. like how i call mom on the way back from class if i'm really busy. like that.


mama : oyak ko saing2 atiq hok dekat2 tu, mama kirim saleyy. oyak mama kato 'Assalamualaikummmm'