Tuesday, March 31, 2009

story of my life.

when i was in mrsmpc, the then 12 year old opie used to call me and cry, or talk to me in that shaky about-to-cry tone. she'd ask me why i didn't go home for the weekend, telling me she's going through a lot and all she had at home were didie and kuzett. i would feel guilty and i would say i'm sorry i can't be there for her.

now i am in ucc, and the 13 year old didie would call me and talk to me in that same shaky tone, telling me the exact same things opie used to tell me all those years ago. and i feel guilty and i tell her that i am sorry i can't be there for her. she, is the reason i go back this summer. i wasn't planning on going back at all, until that time when she asked me when will i be going back home, and i don't know how to tell her that i don't want to go back.

this, is the life of an Atiqah, and how it revolves around her sisters.

i am so going to be late for the meeting with the Kementerian Kesihatan people.


jaa ne!

hari baking sedunia (diiktiraf oleh Atiqah)

saya perlu keluar ke town untuk membeli barang2 untuk membuat choc chip cookies kerana telah mendapat demand dari ramai dan perlu menunaikan janji kepada mereka. ini kerana resipi keluarga (yang dicuri dari ibu saudara) telah dijaga dgn mantap maka saya seorang sahaja yang tahu buat biskut itu di Cork ini. mungkin telah menjanakan kemeluatan dari kawan-kawan kerana kedekut resipi. tapi apakan daya, telah berjanji dengan kakwe untuk tidak menyebarkan resipi tersebut atas sebab-sebab perniagaan.

mahu menelefon nashreen untuk mendapatkan resipi brownies failproofnya, dan juga resipi mars brownies yang diceritakan olehnya tempohari, tetapi panggilan telefon tidak diangkat. buat lain kali lah brownies. hari ni buat biskut dulu. Niesa suruh buat apple crumble sekali tapi sumpah malas nak buat lame dowh bakar mendalah apple crumble tu tak tido aku buat biskut dengan apple crumble sekali. panjang umur encik hanisah saya buat lain kali ya.

oh, lupe nak bagitahu, kerana kesempitan wang saya asyik menangguh nangguh sahaja upacara membuat biskut kerana bahan-bahan yang macam haram harganya, tetapi encik hanisah punya mengidam sudah sampai tahap ibu-ibu mengandung, lalu beliau telah menawarkan untuk membayar separuh kosnya kepada saya. gehehehehe. tapi saya bagi dia bayar 1/3 je lah, sebab saya nak buat banyak gila. dah lama berhajat nak bagi kat jiran2 orang tua disebelah rumah, tahun akademik yang akan datang tidak duduk disini lagi, oleh itu kena juga berkenalan secara beria-ia at least sekali. karang nanti dia meninggal sebagai orang bukan Islam dia bagitahu Allah saya duduk sebelah dia dua tahun tetapi tidak pernah pun bercerita tentang Islam kepadanya pula, eee tidak rela saya. jangan nak cakap 'kubur masing-masing' kat sini, apatah lagi jika tidak pernah membaca quran tafsir. jika mereka baca quran tafsir maka terkejutlah mereka, banyak nak mampus benda tak tahu, sepertimana saya tekejut apabila mula-mula membaca quran tafsir dahulu, sungguh takjub dengan kejahilan diri sendiri.

baiklah sekian.


sayang anda semua

edit : oh lupa nak beritahu. peperiksaan tadi berjalan secara okay-lah kot. excelled at a couple of checkpoints, did not bad on a couple more, and screwed up at a couple of them. tapi Alhamdulillah, stethoscope tidak tersangkut di tudung dan berjaya menghayun reflex hammer kepada tendon yang sepatutnya dan tidak mencederakan pesakit. tapi omg kaki dia sumpah berat gila dan berbulu, masa nak check tone tu tak larat k nak angkat. tapi dimaafkan kerana beliau baik hati dan tersenyum sahaja maka membantu saya menenangkan diri sewaktu menjalani peperiksaan.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jam Bumi yang lain timezone dari kamu

the lights are off for earth hour.

i lighted the new aromatherapy candle i bought on sale, it costed me only two euros. it's a melon & cucumber candle, and i am in love with it. totally ignoring my neroli & roses candle because the neroli smells like dead cats and it takes ages for it to burn down to the pink rose part at the bottom.

i went to eat fantastic food at Banna Thai just now, and we talked about the glorious phenomenon that is the food in Malaysia. LOL. we like torturing ourselves like that. AND SHADAP KORANG YANG DEKAT MALAYSIA JANGAN GATAL NAK START KISAH CERITERA KORANG LUNCH NASI KANDAR NASI DAGANG APE BENDA EHHHHH MALAS NAK LAYAN.

sayang dari kejauhan dalam kegelapan (mari merabunkan mata),

p.s. monetized the blog for the lulz. it'll probably be of decent amount for a check in 10 years! the me 10 years from now will be thankful for the 10euros she'd be getting!

the sky is SO blue and i get to go out, yuss

even though by 'going out' i really meant going to Laburnum for a study group miahaha. oh, my life.

Friday, March 27, 2009

saya seorang pelajar perubatan.

i only had, like, 1 hour of sleep last night? it might be two though. i'm not sure. i just got back from college and i am absolutely knackered. Pathology was totally savage. the whole EMQ thing makes it so hard for my brain to work around the questions. i really have to do loads of EMQs before the summer paper if i want to pass the overall. i NEED to freaking pass this year. fail one subject and i'm screwed. for real.

i'm super scared for the OSCE next tuesday. OSCE is like a practical thing by the way, where they have fake patients and we have to do physical examinations and history taking and differential diagnosis. i am an epic failure at OSCEs because i'm a nervous wreck. i ALWAYS forget the blatantly obvious things to do/ask. i went to see Dr Pat Henn just now to talk it out, and i'm glad i did. he was really reassuring, and it meant a lot to me when he said he had faith in me.

i need to calm the crap down and get some sleep. pening kepala. bye korang!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

langit itu sungguh biru



i didn't do great for pharm, but i passed lah. and not borderline pass, a pretty good pass. but not honors pass. will try and do better for summer insyaAllah.

for the time being...Pathology. and Clinical Practice, oh dear God. S-C-A-R-Y k!

the Pizza guy went to the wrong door just now and we saw him from inside the house, so i had to yell 'Hey, PIZZA GUY!! OVER HERE!!' and i'm pretty sure the whole neighbourhood heard me...except for the pizza guy himself. -___-

in other news, i downloaded Mulan's OST and Juno's OST...synced it with my iPod and now i'm noting which songs to delete i.e. ones with lyrics i don't want to be stuck in my brain. i deleted the whole of my Lily Allen album recently because most of them are about sex/drugs and couldn't be bothered to pick and choose. it's a pity though, the music's so nice.

music in this century is a pain in the arse. they're always about sex or money, or sex and money. i cringed when my little sister sang the whole of 'smack that' without fail.

really, though. quite sad, isn't it. people living for just that. money. sex. entertainment. shallow tak shallow? atiq taknak rumah besar, kereta besar. atiq taknak husband hensem. atiq nak yang beriman. yang imamkan atiq semayang tahajud, yang marah atiq kalau atiq malas baca quran. atiq nak syurga.

lagi penting....atiq taknak neraka.

speaking of which. tak solat isyak lagi. bye korang!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

bukan sekadar seorang guru.

assalamualaikum dearests :]

the past couple of days were crap. it's a long story, i can't shorten it without you misunderstanding it..so i won't bother. it involves telling my ex boyfriend to stay away from me because i'm not ready for us to be friends and that i may never be, and him telling me i'm so full of myself and that i need to move on and grow up.

sigh. i wanted to explain myself to him but i guess nothing i say will be good enough. it will always end up with me thinking the world revolves around myself, and that everything is about me.

the guy does not know how it's like to live with 7 sisters. life is NEVER just about me.

i ended the email convo with a sentence that began with 'LOL' to appear as shallow as he thinks i am. i think it's funny to further feed his delusion.

anyway. the guy isn't the point.

i was shocked last night when i logged on to facebook and i saw Kakak wrote on my wall telling me Sir Mahisham passed away. it felt really, really, surreal. he was my Math teacher when i was in standard 6.

i'm not a teacher's pet material. and i was an awkward little girl with low self confidence, and i was hot headed, and a crying machine. basically i was a mess back then, and i don't think i had any real friends. i was no Kakwe, who was a teacher's pet. and i was no Kakak or Opie or Didie, who were the center of the 'it' clique. honestly speaking, i wasn't happy in ZS. i was the definition of a misfit, for all the stretch of the 6 years i was there.

i wasn't too smart (well i was, before i skipped std 4 and got into std 5 - it all went downhill after that), i wasn't a nice girl, and i wasn't pretty either. so i was pretty much invisible to the teachers. well some of them knew me because Kakak was so popular, but they always call me 'Azah'. but Sir Mahisham was different. he noticed me. and he calls me by my own name, Atiq.

it wasn't a simple thing to me back then, having a teacher who knows my name and talks to me like i matter. he was one of those teachers who leaves footprints in their students' hearts - and he left some deep ones in mine.

he was one of a kind, and i am saddened to think that despite always thinking about him during school breaks and always wanting to go see him, i never did.

i wish i'd went and visited you so you can see how i've grown into a young lady,

Atiq doakan roh Sir dikurniakan ampunan, dan Atiq doakan syurga untuk Sir...

from Him we come, and to Him we shall return.

i still have three papers left to sit for; do pray for me sayang sayangs.


Monday, March 23, 2009

the biggest mistake of my life..

..is in the form of a person. bad times.

esok exam. pray for me!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

the perks of privating your blog

is that people you don't want to allow to come near your life won't be able to read your current updates, see special pictures you don't put on facebook, watch stupid videos you make, and maybe venture into your brain once in a while, when you write your heart out on your blog.

even if it's only a few people, even if it's only one person. it's worth blocking the rest of the world altogether.

after my final exams, i'm flying to cardiff straightaway to see nana and to get the books i bought off Amazon. sent it to her address because UK shipping is cheaper. i'm going to be sitting in Birmingham airport for nine freaking hours all on my own this June, waiting for the connecting flight to Dubai, and then KL..so a few good books to sit with would be nice. i hope i don't meet any more freaks wanting to marry me like last time. maybe i should buy a pepper spray? i wonder if it's legal in ireland/UK.

i bought the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky, invisible monsters by chuck palahniuk and another copy of the catcher in the rye by jd salinger because i lost the first one i bought before i could finish reading it.

i'm doing a crap load of travelling this summer; cardiff, somewhere with nazira, somewhere for summer camp, then back to malaysia, bangkok, then cambodia....i'm totally going to be broke, but it's going to be worth it insyaAllah. i'm too young and healthy to be spending all summer bumming around doing nothing.

freaking out for the coming exam and writing a blog instead of studying...

p.s. hari ni beta masak paprik for dinner.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

i ran out of milk.

oh noooeeessss.

so malas one to go buy summore. somebody in malaysia should start menternak lembu tenusu so we can get these gorgeous milk around in malaysia, and not crap ones like the ones we have now. seriously, if you're in malaysia and you can't stand fresh milk...trust me; it's the milk's fault. you'll like fresh milk if you tried the ones they have here.

no wonder malaysian ppl are so prone to osteoporosis!

zomg i feel so pretentious, eating broccoli and drinking milk and fruit smoothies! x.x you're a malay girl Atiqah, you should be eating roti canai and drink teh tarik or air cendol lahh.

i think i grew 2cms taller but niesa said i didn't. such a meany :( (LOL Atiqah is that type of annoying housemate who go screaming in front of your bedroom and claims she grew taller - if i do that 'What's your real age?' quiz on facebook, i think i'm going to get 'Your real age is 10!')

Friday, March 20, 2009

LOL awkward.

i had one of those awkward moments in life in which i wish i can turn into...the wind, or something. i always spaz out at ALL the wrong times. gahhh.

in other news, here be a conversation;

'hair looking good today.'
'what...my hair? i take that as an insult. LEAVE ME ALLOONNE it's exam week!!'


i had my microbiology lab just now and it was pretty weird that we were warned about how they have all sorts of bacteria samples being brought in the building so we can't bring the provided manuals out of the lab in case it's contaminated. but there weren't even any gloves around, and we handled the e.coli and micrococcus with bare hands o.O

and they didn't even remind the students to wash their hands before leaving. i found it rather odd.

bye now. x

Thursday, March 19, 2009

follower yang misteri/sepatu baruku

Behaw, i can only assume the mysterious lelaki yang tidak dikenali thats following my blog is you..? i think i saw his name somewhere in your facebook.

...my blog's still private kan kan? hope Blogger's not being crazy.

i had half a blender worth of banana-strawberry-orange juice-lowfat milk smoothie. yum. gud taims. NOW TO STUDY.

urrgghhh. *puke*

/edit: i've been wearing my two and a half years old converse nearly everyday and it looks uber battered now. i didn't mind it so much until i realized that my right socks get wet when it rains and i'm out wearing those shoes - i.e. the right shoe is torn or something. so anyway. i bought a pair of new ones! i was sooo tempted to get another converse, i've always wanted a pair of dark blue denim/red/green all star (but i wouldn't have went for the green one anyway...bc despite the fact that i would love it, i'd still have to face Kakwe and Niesa's faces when they see it) and i was staring at them at the store for ages, lol. but the size 3 one is too small and the size 4 is too big. and i think i'm done wearing a size 4 converse with insoles that's still too big. and it's 10euros more expensive then the rocketdog one.

so i bought the rocketdog one, it's light denim. even though i wanted the dark denim converse one, but i guess this one is okay too. and it's fffaaaarrrrr more comfortable then converse, i just hope it lasts long. hah. it just got delivered by Schuh just now, hence this update. quite sad i didn't end up with the red converse. stupid converse, BE LIKE CLARKS AND HAVE A 3 1/2 SIZE.

anyway i saw toooonnnssss of people wearing the red all star after i walked out of Schuh that day. it's like a painful mockery, really.
What? i'm a chucks kinda girl. i'm allowed to want a converse. this picture was the first one to turn up when i googled it, and the ones i bought didn't even turn up on the fourth page of the google results o.O way to go, Google. insulting a poor little Asian girl.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

canadian/american classmates

when they talk to me i always feel like i'm 10years younger than them. just the way they give patronising advices/study tips in the middle of nowhere while i was studying in the library. not a bad thing though. i AM 5 years younger anyways. and i must've looked like a frantic rabbit or something at the study table.





lame dah tak buat entry meroyan nak exam. I HOPE THIS ISN'T A BAD SIGN.

i need your prayers.

takot takot takot :( :( :(

Monday, March 16, 2009

of aromatherapy candles and pathology lectures.

waiting for Summer is like waiting for my neroli and roses aromatherapy candle to burn down to the pink rose part at the bottom..but there is so, so much orange neroli at the top..~

today's pathology lecture is very bizarre. the topic was 'Fungal and Parasitic Infections' and there were many unanimous 'uuugghh' and 'aaaggghhhh' from the class as we were shown wonderful pictures of infected foot, infected nails, infected tongue, and i prayed to God to please please don't let Dr. Cordoran show us the picture of an infected female genitalia as he was explaining it because i totally would have puked...and he didn't. *phew.

he was also teaching us about the numerous types of parasitic worms, how they manifest themselves and the amazing things we have to do to diagnose these patients (read: take a sample of their feces). one of the loudest unanimous UUUUUGGGH from the class came when he told us about the time when he removed a worm from his patient's perforated ear drum.


my favourite lecturer quotes of the day are;

'this drug will paralyze the worms, and you need to tell this to the patients because when they feel something wiggling coming out they go absolutely mental'

'such a good topic to be learning after lunch, right?'

oh and p.s. i totally failed as a human being today. a guy fell off his bike in the middle of the traffic light intersection near my house and i was the only pedestrian walking by, and i didn't go and help him because i was on the way to class and because he looked okay. but a guy stopped his car and went and helped the guy who fell, and i just basically felt like an epic fail :( he was groaning in pain, too. uwwaaaaaa. i'm sorrryyyyyy...lain kali atiq pegi tolong, janjiiii.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

pulang ke kampung padang tokku oh oh

Assalamualaikum sayang sayangs.

maka dengan ini Atiqah (lebih dikenali sebagai Tiqtiq dikalangan kaum keluarganya yang diragui kewarasannya) ingin mengumumkan kepulangannya ke Malaysia di bulan Jun ini. tiket baru sahaja dibeli di Expedia. perjalanan akan mengambil masa yang sumpah panjang kerana naik Emirates, bukan MAS. kalau beli tiket MAS pasir pun tak mampu nak makan. routenya ialah Cork-Birmingham-Dubai-KL dan pulang pula KL-Dubai-London Heathrow-Cork.

akan menuntut janji dari mama yang mahu menempah lauk pauk dari Haji Halim kerana anakanda tersayang complain tak aci lauk sedap masa Awah tunang anakanda Tiqtiq tak dapat makan. juga akan menuntut janji dari mama untuk membawa ke wakaf che yeh kerana semua orang non-Kelantanese pernah pergi tetapi saya tidak pernah pergi.

dengan izin Allah yang Maha Kuasa, bolehlah saya berkunjung ke Bangkok dan Cambodia dan menambah koleksi cop cop di passport saya yang agak lame kerana saya hanya melawat negeri2 di UK yang termasuk dalam kelompok EU maka tak payah cop passport ciss.

dan yang paling penting, dapat meroyan bersama-sama kakak-kakak dan adik-adik tercinta. yeay yeay yeay. teneneng. buleh pau kakwe, teng teng teng. yeay yeay. :D :D :D


Saturday, March 14, 2009

let's all be STELLAR this time

(Didie, i use a lot of non-existent words in my blog, don't use them for your school essays! Stellar, however, is a real word. It's used usually to describe brilliant performances, like singing or dancing, but i suppose i can use it for performing well in exams too...? I dunno. Kakwe, thoughts..? -geek-)

i'm pumped to do well in my coming exams. pray for me, i'll need God's blessings, definitely.

Aliyah, Adilah, Naziwa....GAMBATTE! yooosssssshhhhhh

haha explain pekataan stellar kat didie lagi panjang than the entry itself. adeyy.


Musang, congratulationsss on your graduation! University at last, yess! lolol. <3

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th..

..is the day my cousin is getting married. today, that is. the wedding's going to be ginormous. quite sad i don't get to go, because this is only the 2nd wedding in KETANI, and because i don't get to be in pictures taken by freaking Saiful Nang. Saiful Nang i tell you. crazy things a crapload of money can do.

i'll just patiently wait for pictures by non-SaifulNangs to come up on facebook/34C so. i'm getting pretty good at that :(

gonna go buy us some groceries now. running out of broccolis. see you aroouund bloggiepoo. if life is still within me, that is.


edit: i didn't go buy more broccolis and here's a picture of the handsome bride&groom, another family potret without me :( stolen from Kakak's facebook

Thursday, March 12, 2009

ekzam frenzi.

i need to study more and mess around less.

i went to a different group's CP tutorial just now due them screwing around the timetable and my being in a general confuzzled state, as always. i studied a lot on the today's topic because i figured since my tutor doesn't really teach us anything, i might as well learn just everything on my own. but because i went to the wrong tutorial session, i got a different tutor. and she was fantastic, i love her so much. i learned a whole lot of thingamajics and bits and pieces of the material i studied last night fell on all the right places. now THAT is what i call a tutorial. i got a bit depressed at the end, thinking about how much i could've learned if i was assigned a different tutor, but i suppose it's not healthy/nice to have that sort of mindset/point of view.

WHAATT am i yapping. sorry. the point of this post is to say that i'm putting on my study hat (haha baru nak put on study hat omg atiqah sila panik sila panik).

quoting the posters the student union put up in the library last Summer,


the break-up fairy.

my friends keep coming to me for relationship advice for some reason, and my advice had always been these same steps;

1. break up.

2. bersabar. sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang yang bersabar (ayat qur'an ni, tak tipu. tp dah nk tido, taknak pegi tengok ayat mane).

i talked to three broken up friends in the span of two months. i'm the freaking break up fairy.

teman lelaki cuba melakukan perkara yg tidak sepatutnya tetapi anda sayang dia tetapi anda marah tetapi tidak mahu meninggalkan dia? telefon saya di talian 1800-bertaubatlah-alhamdulillah.

haha. xx.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i forgot to drink water this afternoon, so just now i had to down four glasses for it to sum up to the recommended seven glasses a day.

i feel like throwing up.

this is what cold weather do to you, they make you forget you need to drink. water, that is.

why in the world did blogger stop doing spellchecks anyway? i can't spell. i need the red lines! grrr.

oh, am i the only one who just found out that being on coke is considered sort of normal/acceptable here in Cork, and the west in general? and i don't mean coca-cola coke, i mean cocaine coke.

so bizarre. bizzarre? bizzare?? AAHHHH. MAGICAL RED LINES, COME BACK HERE, YOU!

Monday, March 9, 2009

my gorgus sisters (10000th post of the day)


OMG OMG OMG she's so gorgguuusssss


why look who wore Kebaya to class in the spirit of the event!~
(...with jeans though. picture taken just now XD)

feeling better now. can study dengan jiwa yang tenang. eh Atiqah aku tak paham betol apahal engkau menggelabah macam engkau je yang nak tunang. sila bersikap rasional lain kali please. T_____T

//p.s engagement pics stolen from Kakak's fb and blog ^.^

give up.

i've been sitting in front of my laptop since 5, restless. waited for a phone call, or a text. none came :'(

i guess they're really busy. well at least KuA told me it went well when i IM-ed him just now, so all is good.

if i have to go through this again for a wedding i think i might explode from too much emotion. somehow i have the feeling i actually will have to go through this again for a wedding. i hate my life sometimes.

can't imagine what Omar is feeling.

will go to class now. skipped BH, which isn't a big deal.

talk 2 you later bloggiepoo.

Sakura mental therapy

this picture was captured/edited by Dene. i stole it from his flickr and it was my wallpaper for a good few weeks. i like sakura so much, i even like this picture of sakura-wannabes.

but then Musang linked me to his friend's picasa page (it's in Jap so i can't link it, my laptop's a loser that can't do Japanese characters) to show me his Kyoto trip pics, and alas..the real thing is always better. so, so much better it melts my brain.

currently my wallpaper.

(eternally jealous Musang gets to see them in a regular basis, and if people ask me what do i suggest to be the world's seven wonders, i would say sakura. the second one would be kuzi. who cares about stupid 3-dimensional triangles for dead people?)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

bad times :'(

i tried calling the home phone but apparently it haven't been working properly these last couple of days. so i called mama's handphone which results in my running out of credit. so didie called back, informing me that they've tried calling me a couple of times but the line didn't get through, and that the net's out at home because they moved the desktop, modem and shizz. but then the phone line was being a prick so didie couldn't really hear what i was saying. adik didn't even have a clue.

i guess i'll just have to be patient and wait for the pictures to come up on facebook when it's all over (maybe days after it was all over), and for the mean time try and not go mental.

Friday, March 6, 2009

what an engagement can do to a haunted house

the before and after of our White Villa. it's only half-painted but it's a start.

cheers to breaking the kepercayaan tahyul bahawa all Tengkus are rich.

Opie writes the best life summaries in the world.

(this happpened in the form of textage)

'Things going alright,ops?'

'Yeah...i think.hw lit byk gilo.maths n econs are fine.psycho is no idea.i hate boys'

Thursday, March 5, 2009


i just texted mom and dad to say i got 1st class honors for biochem and 2nd class honors for physio. what i DIDN'T tell them is that i failed anatomy. LOLOL T___T

serves me right, i didn't arrange things well enough to make room for histology, so i knew nothing of the, i think 10, questions on histology that we had. not studying it means all i see was meaningless round circles. *sigh.

feels a bit like a loser for failing the one with the least material to cover.

i got an overall pass, so all is good, i guess.

but Kakwe/Kakak, i didn't give half-truths like this one last time. i really did got an overall 1st class honors for my neurosciences, i promise. please believe me T__T

just didn't want the parents to be epicly dissapointed in me and thus not letting me go to cambodia, or something.

-_______________-" sorrryyyy


copyright infringement

i entered a slogan competition thingy on typetees a couple of weeks ago because i'd get $500 if they print it (on shirts). And i'm witty and such, so why not (haha sorry that's just sarcasm not boasting, i swear).

i put up a few slogans on the site, and they were completely new stuff that i made up from the top of my head, like. i've never seen the slogans i sent in printed on any shirts before, because typetees wanted original slogans.

when i checked my Yahoo! mail just now, i saw this ad on the right hand side of the screen, with this girl wearing a red shirt, AND IT CARRIED MY SLOGAN ON IT!!! Nek2h87t*&T*&TGSIHJ

it was by another shirt company, snorgtees, and they totally stole it from my entry! AAARRRRGH. and the probability of somebody else thinking that exact slogan up is NIL. NIL, i tell you!

i'm so maaddddd! now typetees is never going to print it, and that's the only slogan i entered that did well, the rest were just blergh and got really low ratings.

i'm not going to say what the slogan is because i'm so pissed.

AND it's not like i can do anything to stop them from printing or make them pay me for copyright, or something.

T_T BOYCOTT SNORGTEES! (as if any of ye buy shirts online anyway la kan. huk3)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


i was moved up from the waiting list! i got accepted! and the best part is it doesn't clash with my Thai sisterhood trip! aaaaaaaaa *tarik nafas*

now for the hard part : asking for permission from my parents.

LOLOL apply dulu baru mintak permission


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

update dari perpustakaan. (alamak dari ke daripada? risau, risau.)

the annoying librarian strikes again -___-"

i was printing some of the notes i noticed were missing after arranging my files this morning, and when i went up to the printing room i saw this poor girl being lectured by Al (read: Annoying Librarian, bukan nama ringkasan untuk Aleena, Alissa dan sebagainya) because she didn't remove the background colour of her slides, thus slowing the printer. ye lah that's a lot of toner wasted, but she's, like, twenty. you don't have to lecture her, cakap sekali dah la kan.

then she went all 'uhmmm...those aren't mine' when the printer kept printing notes, because Al just stood beside her and kept on yapping about it. haha...i bet those notes actually are hers. how else would it be there. i would've said the same thing to him though, if i was her.

then he turned round to me and said 'did you send something through?'

i said no, and waited for the printer to stop printing before sending in my things (and wishing so hard for him to leave the room). he walked out as i started keying in my student number in the computer, but then he stopped and said in his usual loud annoying booming voice;

"but I saw the 'data' light not flicking anymore, which means it's done printing" (degil)
"uhh...yeah, okay." (mengalah dengan orang tua)

and then he just stood there, watching, blatantly wanting to make sure i checked. so i checked right before i clicked print, because i don't like having people talking to me in that patronising tone.

when i was printing, guess what he did? he just came up by my side, TOOK THE NOTES I JUST PRINTED OUT, and flicked through it. i assume he's checking whether i removed the background tone (thank God i did). but no matter WHATT his reason is, that's just RUDE, okay. at least ask for my permission first, he has no right to do that, librarian or not.

urrghh...i hate it when he's on duty.

...on a happier note, got a surprise gift all the way from India today! Papa (otherwise known as Shidan) kirim this pretty kain sari for me through a friend who came over to Cork :D :D

i'm a silent traveller.

assalamualaikum :]

have you ever experienced awkward silences...?

it's normal enough a thing for everyone to have experienced it, right? even the youngest reader of this blog must have experienced it, albeit being only (almost)thirteen.

the thing is...despite me being in a constant state of verbal diarrhoea, i'm almost always silent when i'm walking...or when i'm in a car, or a plane. as most of my other habits...it developed due to childhood shenanigans. well, i suppose they're not shenanigans if they lead me into being the person i am now.

when i walk with/sit beside someone who's not used to travelling with me...i always feel this constant pressure to come up with things to say (which might lead to said verbal diarrhoea consisting of awkward topics), because otherwise we'd fall into an awkward silence.

i don't mind if the non-silent traveller in question is a close friend who's used to my being an awkward misfit, because we'd talk for a bit and then we'd fall into a comfortable, mutual silence.

for this reason, i like going places with mas. because she's a silent traveller too, so we'd talk very little during the journey, and then we'd just fall into a long silence..

...i said awkward thrice. vocab thirst alert!