Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I hate everyone in Malaysia.

Monday, September 29, 2008

i thought i'd share this with you

Pendet made this and gave it to me a while back, and I really like it. It's my current desktop background. I thought I'd share it with you (Pendet, you don't mind, right?)

I don't know whether or not it was torment that he was trying to impose on me, with his 'jom balik kampung!' line, but I guess this is an e-card he made for all his friends so it's in general. I just finished performing my last terawikhs for this year with Mas and Aza.

So this is it...another year of Raya pictures of the sisters without me.

Selamat Hari Raya sayang-sayang, if you're in the UK or in Moscow. Ade ke patut Raya esok...ceh.

Maafkan salah silap Atiq...Atiq macam selalu je buat salah dengan orang..huhu.

hugs and kisses and held up tears (because I promised to myself I won't cry this year)

i've no idea what to put on here

i got myself into Spanish. YES.

Today was my first ever hospital visit. it was okay I guess. The consultant was really good, and the patients were very nice, but there were way too many Second Meds crammed in the small ward, so it dulls the experience a little bit. But the thing about being rather like a Hobbit among the tall Caucasians is they feel bad if they block my view, so I always get to be at the front. I'm not sure whether that's an advantage or not though.

I was feeling a little bit faint from standing for too long during the hospital visit, and at one point I felt so faint, I can feel myself swaying..so I reached out for Aliyah's hand, and at that very moment, the Registrar who was giving us the tutorial turned to me and went;

'You. You haven't spoken yet. What's a Hemiarthroplasty?'

'I..uhh. I have no idea what that is, Sir.'


He already questioned me before that! suke-suki cakap I haven't spoken yet. I mean, even if I really haven't spoken yet, is it really necessary to say it like that?? Urrgghh. Dah la it's a HUGE group and there were a LOT of people who haven't spoken for REAL. I already answered TWO questions before that...grrr.

and a Hemiarthroplasty is a hip replacement surgery. Well, it's not really specifically just hip, as Wiki told me, but I actually did have a vague idea about what it was, but I completely forgot about it because I WAS BUSY FEELING FAINT. urgh. Kalau betul2 tak tau takpe jugak. Tensionnyyeerrr dengan diri sendirikkk.

and I had a first aid class from two to four, so now my hands stink of rubber gloves.

and I had class from 10 to 6 today. and the one at 10 was the hospital visit, and the hospital was a bit far so basically I didn't sleep after Sahur at 5.20am. Which, I hope, will justify the crankiness maybe a little bit.

I'm tired and I'm sad because everyone in Malaysia is busy getting ready for Raya while here I am, getting frustrated with myself and having class from morning till late evening :(

Sunday, September 28, 2008

an update of sorts because i'm worried that you might miss me. i'm a nice person, you see.

i just rearranged my room. i put away everything on the glass shelves on my dressing table, except for an orange candle, because i want to put up the oil painting i bought in Bandung. it's a pretty heavily-painted canvas, so it definitely won't be of good taste to put it up so close to all the stuff on the shelves. and i did a whole lot of laundry, and i'm going to wash my sheets and white coats too, so basically the house is going to turn into a freezer from all the indoor-drying activity.

the (outrageously overused) vacuum bag was full so i had to empty it, and it was the most horrible thing to do ever. the bag was obviously not meant to be re-used, but i've no idea where to buy a new one, and Lily (the landlady) is out of reach. sigh.

and i got three random phone calls today, which was from;

1. a person that asks that i didn't tell anyone that he called, but he sounded really troubled and he wouldn't tell me what was going on and i can't help but be worried even though there is nothing i can do about this thing that i don't know about.

2. an amin that was cycling to somewhere near Clonskeagh to play football and decided that he was bored, so he called me. he was on a bike and he was bored. i think he's crazy.

3. a mama that has been meaning to call me but always fell asleep instead, so she claimed. hmmmh. the mama then passed the phone to a cheerful KuZett, then to a moody Didie, and lastly to a pissed off Opie (because i bought an iPod). an obviously with background shouts from Awah, Kakak and Kakwe.

and last night we all went for dinner at Cathy's. i think Cathy hates me now. because yesterday there was a bazaar at the Chimes so i went and bought loads of food, since i was confident i could eat all of them and then go to Cathy's and have dinner. you see, i can eat A LOT when i want to. but. when i get to Cathy's...i can barely eat anything, and i think i must've came off as quite rude, for leaving my food nearly untouched. and and and...oh my Goooddd...i feel so bad. siiighh.

Atiqah = RUDE guest. :( i will never eat anything before a lunch/dinner invitation ever again, i promise.

Ramadhan's going to be over soon...time really do fly.

hearts and kisses and love and hugs and other stuff like that,

Saturday, September 27, 2008

i didn't get into Spanish :(

i really wanted to because they don't have final exams and because i think i can do really well without much effort since it's just on the beginner level and i know quite a lot of Spanish from all the Mis Tres Hermanas and La Usurpadora. siiiigh.

but i guess i put chemotherapy as first choice and spanish second for a good reason.

cepatla Subuh...ngantuknyer.

Friday, September 26, 2008

sexy beast.

...meet my new toyboy;

(excuse me while i go on my extreme fangirl mode)

...and excuse the unneccesary revelation of the contents of my closet, too. hee.



Monday, September 22, 2008

in between lectures/PAINS

i saw JR with short hair for the first time today and i pretty much died.

aahhh...i didn't know anyone in my class except for the Malaysians and Eoin the cadaver-slashing partner from Anatomy, because i only went to lectures and DR sessions last year, so i didn't have much chance to make friends. the third years were coming into the lecture hall when we were going out, and i long to be with the familiar faces...sigh. i guess i'd have to start from square one, when everybody else in the class already know each other for a year. aaahhh...pain, PAIN.

i have class till six today, then i'm going straight back home to cook dinner - which is going to be a disaster, may i add, because i haven't cooked since forever! PAIN.

and then i haven't bought any food for myself..no milk, no cereal, no muffin, no nothing for me to eat for Sahur. my Sahur for today was plain water - yum. AND shops here close at 6, so there's no way i can get to town in time. which means i'm probably going to have to buy some food from the 24-hour Tesco (PAIN) tonight (PAIN).

ooh. i saw a handwritten ad pinned on the notice board on the way here (i'm in the library btw) and it says;

'Do you want to learn Spanish? Can you teach English? Let's help each other out...I'm from Spain'

that doesn't make any sense at all, right? i mean, how is that going to work?
(and his surname is JESUS. what?)

i hate Europian keyboards.

i'm in a sore mood..did you notice?


Sunday, September 21, 2008

unpacking the life out of me

there are SO many things to unpack, i have no idea how to start...so obviously i came over and blogged instead.

and i just realized something; i have a habit of publishing my post first before doing a read-over, and then only edit it if needs be. so sometimes i publish my posts three of four times before i'm satisfied with it - now the thing is i just realized that if i have any reader who follows me on Google Reader, they'd find this habit of mine pretty annoying cause Google Reader will show ALL versions of the posts...whoops. sorry about that.

i had five credit card statements, two phone bills and one paycheck waiting for me when i got here (and a grinning Niesa, a mushy Mas, and an invisible Khaza shouting from the kitchen). there's a thick fog outside, a tree of crisp golden leaves standing side by side with one thick with soft green leaves, and i have two blocks of ice as my feet - it's a lovehate relationship, the one that i have with this place.

my darling auntie gave me a Thai recipe book before i came here, which i am really thankful and excited for because of my undying love for Thai food (and food in general) - last time she gave me a compass and a traveller's praying mat, which had been very useful - she somehow always knows the right things to give :)

and you wouldn't have guessed what the guy checking my friend and i in in KLIA called me; at first i thought he was being sarcastic, but as a cynical grin began to appear from my face, he kept his straight and serious. so i quickly recovered and acted like it was the most natural thing that a stranger could've called me - you wanna know what it was?~

'Yang Mulia ada satu beg je ye?'


i'm hardly a princess, if you ask me.

and i managed to fast only until 9pm Malaysian time. the (very nice, can-only-be-found-among-MAS-crew,) stewardess began to worry about me and offered to save dinner for me just in case i want to break my fast. i told her i wanted to wait a bit more and that i wasn't hungry at all, but alas i relented because i thought i wouldn't last until 1am malaysia (which it will be when i get to London Heathrow)..so instead of buying food in Heathrow, i thought i should just eat the free food on the plane.

(note: these are all blatant lies...she broke her fast because a steward offered her a handsome Magnum..you're a weak, weak, person, Atiqah. *geleng-geleng kepala)

kay...i should probably go on with unpacking.

p.s. classes commence tomorrow. i hope i can get into Spanish. please please.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

And just like that, my Summer break is over..~

"there was ONE day when it was like 27degrees for ALL summer..you didn't miss much while you were gone, love" - taxi driver.

i have tons of things to tell about the journey..but Musang is hurt because i didn't call and say goodbye, and it wipes ideas off my brain :(

maybe later, or maybe never.

i've missed my cozy room, Nisa's antics, Khaza's kerekness and Mas's hugs.

i will miss Summer and the wonderful things i had during the three month break, too. i can't have both...i can't win. but i can wait. that, is for sure.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I was sitting on my bed when Didie walked in and laid down beside me;

Didie : Atiq nk gi dh la..
Atiq : takpo la...lamo dh key Atiq duk rumoh...

then KuZett walked in and sat down beside us, by then i was stroking Didie's hair;

KuZett : mano aci gosok palo Kak Yah sajo! *furiously laid down beside Didie*
Atiq : *stopped stroking Didie's hair and started stroking KuZett's*
Didie : *angry grunts*
KuZett : *evil grin*
Atiq : *sighed and took out my other hand and stroked both of them*
Didie : *happy grunts*

i hate seeing them so sad everytime i'm leaving them :(

and yes i know..i'm not back in Cork yet. you're used to me doing this already, right?


Monday, September 15, 2008

i'm leaving on a jetplane....again.

i went two days without posting...go me!

i lied..it doesn't really mean that i now have a life, all it meant is that i'm leaving in flippin' days instead of weeks, or months. so my parents are dragging me to go everywhere and see everyone.

i hate packing...it makes leaving all too real. i'm excited about second year but seeing friends in third year hurts a little bit. and i miss Cork (nad...don't hate me. hehe) and i miss living in close proximity to my friends, and most of all i miss the freedom living so far away gives me. but i won't have a KuZett talking in her sleep on my bed at night anymore, or a Didie who somehow decides that it's comfortable to hug my knee while i talk to her..

they're following me around day and night again, as they always do when they began sensing that i'm leaving soon~

i will miss going out without layers of clothes and sleeping without the restrictions of a 12 tog comforter and having ears that doesn't feel like ice.

first-hand stories about KuZett will now cease from my blog :(

next blog will be from the big room in Cork, after i change the blog's setting to Irish time..



Friday, September 12, 2008


i just got back from driving KuZett to her mengaji class, and i neeeddd to calm down. calm down, Atiqah, calm down~ (i had to re-type the previous sentence a few times because of typos...adeyh)

i just saw an accident, and the guy was still a bleeding mess in the middle of the road when i drove past him, and i literally had to stop my car at the side of the road because i was SO freaked out and my heart was beating WAY too fast. i tried calling 999 but it won't connect, and i've no idea what the hell is the emergency number, and i knew by the looks of things in my rearview mirror that noone had called for an ambulance yet. by the time i got frustrated with the stupid phone (sorrriiee Kakwe) there were more and more people stopping to help, but most are motorcyclists and there's only one White MyVi that have already been there since the start. people were carrying the guy down to the side of the road, and at that moment i wished and i wished that i was driving my own car so i can offer him a ride to the hospital, because honest to Lord i'm not the type of person who would think about having bloody car seats at a time like that..but i wasn't. i was driving my dad's Wira, and i don't even have my own car..so i waited until a couple more cars stop by before i drove away...*sigh.

i didn't get out of my car and ask whether somebody has called for an ambulance because there were a swarm of guys surrounding the site by then.

ahh...jantung, bertenanglahh~

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

who are ye??

why am i getting like 50views per day now instead of my usual 25ish??~

new readers (oorr recently-becoming-obsessed/bored-reader), reveal thyself!~


The game on the computer screen showed that KuZett is now a 'VP of Sales';

KuZett : VP of Sales!! Very Person of Sales!
Atiq : *baffled* Vice President la senget!!
KuZett : tapii VIP tu key Very Important Person??
Atiq : ho la..tapi mano ado Very Persoonnn...ngaruk la adik ni.
KuZett : betul laaa...Very Person!!!
Atiq : *gives up*

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

i adore these pictures


i viewed the 'you know you're IB when..' group on facebook and laughed at the level of painful truth written on there. the grammar mistake in the group name is not a grammar mistake, it's intentional. here be an excerpt;

We are a pretentious society of people. Get over it.

You Know You're IB When...

-You can see individual air molecules vibrating.

-You begin speaking in a language that only you and fellow IB-ers can understand.

-You discover the aesthetic beauty of school supplies.

-You begin to talk to yourself, then disagree about the subject, get into a nasty row about it, lose, and refuse to talk to yourself for the rest of the day.

-You can spell "Baccalaureate".

-"Friends" and "fellow IB-ers" are interchangeable.

-You go to bed at 3AM and think, "Oh, it's an early night!"

-You've fooled yourself into believing that colleges actually care whether you're in IB or not.

-You write sentences on multiple-choice tests.

-You manage to complete a semesters worth of homework the day before the term ends.

-Your idea of impure thoughts is whether or not to copy math homework.

-You've developed an imprint of your book bag in your back.

-Your books weigh more than you do.

-You consider giving up going to the bathroom permanently to give you more time to study.

-Pressed for time, you conclude a history essay with, "And they lived happily every after. Amen."

-You find that you overreact when you get 2 points marked off on your homework.

-The simplest words you know are at least 10 letters long.

-When you are home sick, you can't help but wonder what work you're missing and what your homework is.

-When you're watching TV, you feel guilty because not all of your homework is done.

-You still get kicks saying "Your epidermis is showing."

-You think "getting high" is a reference to grades.

-You're one of the few people who realize that Catcher in the Rye isn't about baseball.

-You think MTV is a formula for mass, temperature and volume.

-You worry about hyphens.

-You've mastered the art of procrastination so well that your research paper finishes printing just seconds before you have to leave for school.

-You can't enjoy your holiday break because you spend the entire thing worrying about all the homework you need to do.

- You dread long weekends because you know you'll have double the amount of homework.

-Energy drinks and coffee become a part of your diet.

-You miss school to do homework.

-You realize that if you could actually study 'by osmosis', it would technically be diffusion since water would not be involved.

ESPECIALLY true is the skipping school to catch up with homework part. oh-my-God.


the good old days

i saw a familiar face when i was going around salam-ing the people after terawikh - she was my cikgu quran when i was around 9 i think. she looked a lot older and a lot thinner, too.

Atiq : Cik Mah, ingat Atiq dop? *sengih*
Cik Mah : ingatt...tok cey saknih *smiles*

at one point of time back then, i used to take aaaages to get to her house despite it being only a 5minute walk away from my house. why did it take me long, you might ask? because i cycled there. you would think that it would be quicker if i cycled, but no. why...?~ because i didn't really know how to ride my bike. LOL.

i used to fall every few seconds, then i would get up and try again. i think it took me like a week to really get the hang of it...but i still fell from time to time because i was either too small or too tall for the bike...i couldn't quite remember. sometimes when i think about the time when i was teaching myself how to ride the bike, i wish i still have that sort of rough determination within me. i lost it somehow, as i grew up, and i wish there's a Lost and Found counter i can go to and demand that i be given my Determination back. *sigh

as i was heading towards the surau's door, i felt someone tapping my back ever so softly.

Cik Mah : Atiq..
Atiq : hmm..?
Cik Mah : Atiq koho comey... *sengih*
Atiq : hehe *sengih*

she is adorable :D


bongok punye internet.
my internet is being a pain in the arse.

miss me while i get it fixed?


Sunday, September 7, 2008

posts deleted

..in respect of Kakwe's birthday...sort of.

Happy Birthday Kakwe shayang. you're adorwable and you're lovely and you're nice and you're my sister and you bought me my first Harry Potter book and and and

i love you,

and i hope you had fun at work today or something :)


Friday, September 5, 2008


*sigh. here gooes. (only doing this because i miss Dayah and it's a really short one)


The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.


What were you doing 5 years ago?
Is it a coincidence that I've talked about the '5 years ago' a lot lately, and this survey have this question...?~ 5 years ago I was having the best time of my life in MRSMPC as a fifth former, struggling for my SPM, learning a lot about friendships, and...and something else :)

what were the 5 things on your list today?
1. Laundry
2. Study...i'm freaking out because my brain's practically empty
3. Pack stuff to post...i know, i know..i should've done this like 3 months ago. adeyh.
4. Buat kek batik ngan Didie. woo.
5. Cekik KuZett.

what are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
1. Fresh guava
2. Dried guava
3. Guav....haha just kidding. Lidl's ultra-fattening crisps, yes?
4. Rocky?~

what are 5 jobs you've had?
1. Kakwe's assistant editor (she paid me!). got scolded for missing a huge typing error and got Kakwe into trouble with her boss though...kwang2. sorrieee.
2. Mock patient for the third-years...walaupun free-free kena panggil 'jaundice-lady' and pening kepale duk ulang ayat same for 400 kali, tp dpt 80euros dlm mase sehari!~
3. Tukang jual kek batik for mama when i was in school kire ke..?~ Mama kasik upah. hehe.
4. pastu....takde dah.
5. takde dahhhhh.

5 people you want to tag
1. if you're
2. reading this
3. and you
4. have a blog
5. you're tagged!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

p.s. why am i getting 35 readers today...?~ i usually only have 26-ish. ahh i hope they're not people i know.


*Umbrella by Rihanna playing on the radio in her Persona*

Didie : Umbrella, ella, ella, eh..eh..eh..
Mama : b..b..b..


//now she's drawing on a piece of cardboard, claiming it's for her office drawer. she said she wants to win the drawer terkemas title, which comes with an RM50 prize. that will cover the cost of the cardboard, which costed RM10.

it's adorable but it says a lot - the middle class is suffering; inflation for the lose.

...that, or my mom's just...special XD

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

KuZett's Pemahaman exam paper

it went something like this;

'...mengunyah makanan itu sehingga lumat...'

6. Apakah perkataan seerti bagi perkataan lumat di dalam petikan di atas?
A. hancur
B. halus
C. musnah
D. lembut

her answer...?~

C, obviously.

the musang

is clicking through my old posts

i think i might have a heart attack

selamat berbuka lovelies.

of lost friendships.

i was flipping through and old album and going through an old box holding my past in all it's glory (..not).

there was this Raya card, among many others...that was bigger and prettier compared to the rest. it was addressed to 'budak tuh lar' and signed as 'budak paling baek'. i thought hard and i stared at the handwriting and but i still had no idea who might've signed it. sad...isn't it? to think that we must've been quite close for her to give me a card without signing her real name but assuming i would know who she was..and here i am, some years later, not having a clue. *sigh

there was a card that was addressed to 'to the girl who has everything' which startled me a bit because i was never popular (..for the right reasons) in school, so it's pretty weird to see that written on the envelope.

and there was a card from the Robaeha Ramza. i was really amazed seeing it...because it says 'Happy Birthday...you're 10!' ..that was actually 11 years agoo....wowwww. i've no idea how i managed to keep a card that long.

and in the end, it's sad seeing that all the friendships amount to are just faded sheets of paper in a box...~

Monday, September 1, 2008

i cant shleep...~

wahhh....dah lame kan x letak title 'i can't sleep'. been sleeping well lately.

was having migrain petang td, so slept right after i prayed Isyak. skarang dah terjage and tak mngantuk langsung.

zomg. i rarely ever appear online on my old ym and i just did and 6 people IMed me in a few seconds. wowww have i been out of reach that long?~

can you see that this post is going nowhere...?~

yeah...i can see that too. sorry about that.

and guilt and happiness is a bad combination. tapi my name is Atiqah and i am the queen of misleadingness and so i shall have to pay for it.

blimey....i don't know why people read my blog. adeyh. i shall write a real entry soonish..k?~

my readers = lurkers. i <3 them.