Sunday, August 24, 2008

yesterday i was beginning to feel unhealthy because i woke up with zero appetite for breakfast. for me that's a clear sign that i need to work out. like, seriously. so when KuZett and Didie asked me to play badminton with them i said yes straightaway. Didie was screaming 'yeahh i'm Chong Wei!!!' all the time, lol. but then afterwards i was beginning to think it's not enough an exercise so i made the kids taught me a Taekwondo pattern (Didie's a red with black tip and KuZett just got red belt last week) and you have no idea how much it hurts my ego to say this, but...Taekwondo's patterns are way cooler than Karate's katas (kata = pattern). hahah...but that's probably because i'm a mere Karate blue belt so i haven't learned the cooler katas yet (haha in denial). and then Didie taught me some sparring and we had loadsa fun screaming and laughing our heads off XD

i best be off now. LOVES. <3

(blogger used to mark it as error when i don't write a title for an entry, but they've fixed that and now i can publish untitled entries - score!)

p.s. I NEED TOPUPZ QUICK OR MY BESTFRIEND WILL BE ROYALLY PISSED, oh dear. WHY do i always seem like i NEVER have any credit left???

1 comment:

Iron Butterfly said...

she got her red? damn. she didn't tell me. And damn. I miss karate.