Wednesday, August 13, 2008

okay, okay.

life is taking a sharp turn and i'm struggling to not appear to be just another drama queen. please let me be occupied when i get to Bukit Raja. despite being sick in Indonesia, my mind was set free and i was happy. but reality is still refusing to let me go and insisted to slap me on the face repeatedly.

like when it doesn't want to let me believe greg holden's voice is my life's soundtrack
or when it doesn't let me have my lovely rainy days when i need them
and when it tells me that clouds are not vanilla ice cream
and that the ocean isn't made of sparkling jelly
and that imaginary friends are for children only

and when it doesn't want me to keep thinking that there's a happy ending to all the fiasco of the unspeakable truth, and kept throwing proof to me. kept on showing me things i blatantly doesn't want to be seeing.

reality, if you're a person, you'd be a guy and i'd hate you so much, i'd marry you. because you know, in the belogical math of my brain, i don't marry people i love.

- Atiq
p.s. i'll be done with the pms-ing soonish. and pendet i'm sorry i was so freakin moody last night. you know i heart you.

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