Thursday, August 28, 2008

serendipity (and unnecessary details of my day)

when i went out the day before yesterday, i wore an orange tunic and when i saw musang in the car i immediately noticed that musang was wearing an orange shirt. and yesterday when i went out with musang to buy my raya tudungs, i wore a white baju kurung and musang mysteriously wore a white shirt. and today i wore a black baju kurung when i went out with Ayahnda, and as we were approaching kedai kak wok to buy lunch, i was a bit startled to saw musang standing in the line. it's not that weird, bumping into musang there, because it's nasik kak wok and everybody goes there. what startled me was the fact that, yes, musang was wearing a black shirt.


earlier on the day i went with Ayahnda to collect this hamper he told me he's mysteriously getting from this unknown company who apparently called to ask him to come and collect the hamper. so we searched for it and found it a bit further down the road from Four Seasons. when we get there, i didn't even enter the place and just stood around listening to my mp3 because i assumed it won't take dad very long to just take the hamper. but the girl working there insisted on me coming in, so i went in and took off one of my earphones. here be what happened, translated;

Girl : Duduk la dik.
Atiq : *senyum* *still standing and looking around the place*
Ayahnda : saya beli barang ape sampai dapat hamper ni...?~
Girl : tak tau la tu cik, kami dapat call suruh bagi cik hamper, kerje kami just bagi hamper ni kat cik je *looks at me* Duduk la dik.
Atiq : ni apahal ni. lame ke pulak kena duk sini sampai nak suruh aku duduk duduk. *sits down*
Girl : *goes on explaining to my dad* macam ni cik, yang cik wajib buat nye ambik hamper ni je, tapi kami akan bagi cik points, jadi kalau cik beli berminat kat barang2 kami and beli barang2 kami hari ni, cik akan dapat diskaun, kurang RM150 dari harga biasa.
Atiq : *looks on sceptically* kalau tak beli hari ni, dah tak boleh diskaun?
Girl : a'ah, tak boleh..kena beli hari ni jugak. kalau datang lain kali dah tak boleh dah..tapi boleh datang ambik hamper lain kali and beli masa tu.
Ayahnda : mm...takpela. biar je la, tak payah beli. mama die takde ni, karang beli sendiri nanti mama die tak suke pulak. ambik hamper je la ye.
Girl : *goes on persuading*
Ayahnda : *goes on refusing*
Girl : *looks at me for support*
Atiq : *shrugs*
Girl : *looks dissatisfied and gave up*

when we went into the car we opened the hamper to reveal an album that i think could have costed around 1ringgit when bought in bulk, and a bowl that couldn't have costed more than 3ringgit.

...wowwww...Malaysia is full of scammers, huh. but we totally pwned that one, didn't we? lol.


Anonymous said...

who is musang? fate shows itself in matching colours..

Tengku Atique said...

musang ialah seorang makhluk yang ganjil. hehe. we didn't match the next day, and we didn't even realize it until Didie cheekily pointed it out, lol.

Anonymous said...

kakwe sy la musang ganjil tu..