Saturday, July 19, 2008

a truly epic Saturday

lol...i always do this, right. saying i'm holding off blogging and then writing another entry the day after that. oh well. :p

anyway, despite a dramatic start - me and Kakak bickering on the phone because she kept going on on how i should watch my weight because i'm short bla2 and i know she meant well, but i was cranky and such, hoho - the evening was productive and i liked it :)

i've complained to Didie the other day to the fact that we haven't taken any picture together since i came back, but we were just never in the mood to take pictures, and there were never any occassions that we felt the need to freeze the moment either. but today we took pictures and it pretty much make up for the rest of my sucky week. i <3 my adik-adik.

we were having our usual weekend badminton session, and we're as bad at it as usual (we're actually really, really, bad), but it was hilarious and i had fun with the kids :D and then we decided to move on to Tok Ayah's lawn just because it seemed so inviting, just sitting there, being green and spacy :)

but when we got there, we saw Tok Ayah struggling with a really long paip getah, so we helped him pull it over to the front so he can water the pokok-pokok serai he just planted. and then, seeing the kids playing around, Tok Ayah watering the serais and Tokwe sitting at her regular evening chair..i just can't resist from running back home to get my digicam. yeaayyy~!

despite Tok Ayah's protests, i managed to curik-curik tangkap a few pictures of him, hoho. and we took piccies with Tokwe too, and she looked really adorwabble innit :D and then we ran around the place and took pictures everywhere; near the coconut trees, on our front lawn, in the middle of the

you can see White Villa from this angle :)

pura-pura ditabrak mobil (lepas tu kena
marah dengan Mama sbb baring atas jalan;
Mama nampak from atas balcony..haha)

then we got a little bit tired, and went to the back of my house to Mama's huge sugarcane rumpun and chopped down a few batangs of it. we sat around in a circle, with me and Adlin cutting the tebu into small pieces. then we washed them and ATE them and they tasted so sweeeettt. we win at life :D

and the day ended with Didie and KuZett finishing what remains of their weekend homework and me writing up Neuroanatomy notes for next year, while watching Terlalu Istimewa, a drama that uses one too many songs that i like :) then we came up front when we're done, to help Mama kelim the karipaps she was making for tomorrow. i have a picture of KuZett with her first attempt at kelim-ing, hahahah. buruk but adorable :p and now the three of them are munching karipaps behind me. i gotsa go.

salam wbt :)


p.s. pictures of myself are purposely not included. as fuzzy call it; quality control. LOL. i'm no narcissist, but i was exceptionally selekeh that day :p


Anonymous said...

huh... jealous... put up pix of tok ayah and tok we please..

Ain Sallahuddin said...

atiq!!..muke didie mcm muke atiq...sebijik!...jap..didie yg second last tu ke??ke tu kuzett??ahahaha...

Tengku Atique said...

kakwe : DONE! :D

ain : ha ah, yang second second last Didie, yang bongsu KuZett. yang gamba last skali tu gamba KuZett, yang baju ijau tu Didie...hahahaha...adoii.

KuZett memang fotostat muka atiq, pastu die slalu ingat die yang kat dalam gamba2 lama kat rumah..haha. muka sendiri tak cam :p

Anonymous said...

tok ayoh tane pokok serai? ni sure baru buleh anok pokok..ari tuh dok kkalut cari.. huhuhu

Tengku Atique said...

hoho, yo kalih. dibah, anda kah?

Iron Butterfly said...

hahahahhaah capturing the kampung-ness huh?

I miss our grandparents!

Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias dearie.. I miss them so... and Tok Ayah looks so much better :)

Tengku Atique said...

Kakak : hahah, pretty much :D
Kakwe : he is feeling much better; i cure anything with my presence :p

p.s. omg u two've no idea how i look forward to the trippp~!

Anonymous said...

ssape fuzzy?

Tengku Atique said...


fazrul laaa.

Iron Butterfly said...

Hi Amin. takder blog ke? ;p

Tengku Atique said...


p.s. amin doesnt have a blog, wahai kakanda.

Iron Butterfly said...

what? all men my age are taken and i also can't flirt with the younger ones? dang. Ini nggak fair (mengajuk Cinta dalam Ada Apa Dengan Cinta).