Thursday, July 17, 2008


saya mahu go on a period of hibernation...recent posts have been loaded with crap, pretty much reflecting how i'm feeling right now. Ayahnda's in a bad mood which means i'm not allowed outings with friends. plus i've brilliantly put myself in a complicated situation with the only friend who's willing to come and pick me up from White Villa to take me out (the rest have gone back to Uni), so there goes my transportation. and good company. :( tak sengajerr.

i don't want my blog to become a depressing one, it's a freakin bubble bath, not a hospital. (yes i think hospitals are depressing). i'm hoping the trip with my older sisters will serve as some sort of detox, so i can become an inspired person again. and a happy one all over again. lagipun...musang is coming back! yeaayyyy. it's been wayyy too long.

ooh. i really hope i'd bump into Hafriz when i go to Shah Alam. i need to know why he's mad at me, so i can say sorry. i thought everything was fine between us, so it's really weird finding out i'm off his friendster friends list. i'm hoping it's just because he has a jealous girlfriend. because if that is the case then i'm fine with it. i shooouuulldd get used to getting that from the girlfriends by now, huh, bloggiepoo?


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