Tuesday, July 29, 2008

oh and p.s.

me leaving tonight means there prolly won't be any blogging until the 10th, since Kakwe doesn't have the netz at her house.

you are allowed to miss me. i'll miss having you lurking around in my blog, too.



han86 said...

u wont be writing until the 10th??
What am I gonna read until then??
huhu, have a safe trip, and loads of fun as well

Anonymous said...

salam atiqah, we mish u! hari tu daurah, u and khaza je tadek usrah kite, we miss khaza too who is lost in action. u tamau g tunang pareq ke?u nak g cntact la i tau, ok u dok umah tu jgn futur2 tau, same goes to me, sbb Allah benci orang ckp tak supe bikin neh (QS 61:2-3), so hope to c ya soon, tapi tamau balik ireland, cmne ye tuh? huhu, take care !

Anonymous said...

atiq, update cpat! wanna see ur feedback on bandung. im gonna kill u if ur going to say dat u didnt have loads of fun there!