Sunday, July 13, 2008

of idiotic drivers.

the road was crowded and i was driving on the right lane because i'm turning right less than 50metres away. then suddenly this car was coming really close from behind and was trying to take over despite the heavy traffic on the opposite lane. and then i wanted to give way but there's this motorcycle coming on my left so i had to wait for it to pass. and then that idiot HONKED me. i was like, 'SABAR LA WEYYYYYYY' and then i changed to the left lane, and the car sped in front while HONKING ME tak pasal-pasal..nak mampus agaknyer. dahla tak bleh gi mane sgt ponnn die tu sbb penuh keta kat depan tu. and then i quickly changed back to the right lane because i FREAKING NEED to turn right, paham takkkk. and then the car that was a good distance behind me sped up from behind and HONKED me. ehhh...sakit otak betul aku bawak keta.

then Mama pointed out there might be a kenduri or something and the cars was probably on a convoy and doesn't want to lose each other. well, if they're all in one family, i bet it's a blardy PLEASANT one, eh.

the end. i just need to let that out. sorry bloggiepoo. xx.


han86 said...

ehehe, tah kenapa, cam rasa terkena 'dushhh' bile baca baca entry ni, sbb aku pun bengang bile org drive slow2 tp stay kat lane kanan ;p
but xdela sampai nak hon2 gitu, at least sopan la sket aku kan, hihi

Tengku Atique said...

hellowww...masalahnye nak bawak laju apenye keta penuh kat depannn. cehss.