Thursday, July 3, 2008

THE conversation

i've been through this conversation at least 6 times ever since i came back, with friends and with uncles and aunties. and i suspect i'll keep on going through this conversation sampaiiiiila i go back to Cork in September.

people : Atiq dengan sape skarang?
Atiq : takde sape.
people : tipu!
Atiq : betul.
people : ala...bagitaulaa..
Atiq : takde sape laaa.
people (after around half an hour of talking to me) : Atiq dengan sape sekarang?

SUNGGUH susah nak kasik orang percaya. MENGAPAKAH. SILA jangan tanya saya soalan ini jika anda berjumpa dengan saya nanti, saya sungguh penat menjawabnya.


Iron Butterfly said...

uncles? aunties? siaperkah yg bertanya itu?

itu soalan biaso. kakak ado jawape doh loni. 2010 lepah rayo. tapi tok tahu laa rayo haji ko rayo cino ko..

at least will keep them quiet for another couple of years. nyeh3.

Tengku Atique said...

hahah. ayoh jik and cik ros.
and long-time-no-see friends *sigh

Anonymous said...

salam atiq!!!

atiq dengan sape skang nih???
