Thursday, April 3, 2008

Looking for Alaska by John Green

i finally got the book after much frustration and failure in trying to buy it off The makcik in Eason finally gave in and ordered the book for me. i needed a dose of light-but-intelligent reads, both for my depleting English vocab and for the sanity of my brain. wide awake at 1.30am, deeply engrossed in a world other than the one i live in, is a sensation that i haven't felt since what seem to be light years away. it is a pleasantly familiar feeling, and it made me have this urge to write.

i like the smart John Green i see on YouTube, and i liked the John Green i read about on Wikipedia. i even like his brother Hank, and the hyper-nerdiness that they bestow upon the world altogether. i like the fact that he doesn't condescend the intelligence of pre-teens (who are you kidding, girl, you're 21, get over it!), and i like the fact that he's just wrote three books to date (his third book, Papertowns, had only recently been released), but both his first book, Looking for Alaska, and his second book, An Abundance of Katherines received Printz Awards, and Looking for Alaska is going to be made into a movie soon, and i like how Looking for Alaska is taught in English classes across the US. i like how successful a writer he is at such a young age, and i like how he inspired a battalion of teenagers that are his followers on YouTube.

Now, this guy is not good looking and he has a wife. so i am in no way crushing on him or something like that, but his intelligence blew me away and curiosity got the better of me, which was why i was going crazy trying to get a hold of a copy of Looking for Alaska. That, and extra points given for having a brother that runs a website that's called EcoGeek. I mean, come on, environmentalists make all the ladies weep, right? well, maybe just the geeky ones, but still.

on the issue of whether i'm going to be back home this Summer, the answer is now on my messy dressing table, along with the watches and a dried red rose and a bunch of post-it stacks and a Simpson mug i got last Christmas, standing squashed in the midst of bills and receipts, in the form of a green and yellow envelope with the picture of an airplane on it, with white letters that say 'TRAVEL DOCUMENTS' - my flight tickets; the Papers of Doom that gives us the feeling of happiness with the cost of our nutrition, because after this all i can afford to eat is pasir.

read: exaggeration.

oh my God i nearly spelled that with to x's.
i fail. (the world is a better place with spellchecks)

back to Looking for Alaska.

p.s. Dates : going back on the 9th of June, coming back on the 20th of September. i want red carpets, delicious food and lots of love, please and thank you.


Anonymous said...

hey u'r goen back!! yeay!!
haish mi2 toktau lg kelik bilo..
prolly june or july.
bt i made up to-do-list 4 the i-dont-know-when-yet hols..
so u shud b duin d list too..

Tengku Atique said...

i think i'll be spending most of summer looking after my unwell Tok Ayoh and studying, thus i'll keep expectations of things i want to do to a minimum so i won't feel down if i can't get it done..but i think looking after my grandad is pretty much all i want to do if he needs me, huhu.

i might go to Bandung with Kakak though, will you be my tour guide? :D