Friday, April 25, 2008

it is i again

i won't call this insomnia, i shall call this a-change-in-biological-clock-to-suit-the-everchanging-prayingtime. yes, catchy name, huh?

earlier this evening was MCS's AGM. as good an experience as it was, i'm kinda glad it was over. i'm a bad time manager, so being busy with society stuff when i'm in second year (insyaAllah) doesn't sound too exciting. we decided to cook the food for the event ourselves this time, instead of ordering it from the lovely Kak Ros, and i was part of the masak nasik team (the boys were the ones yang masak sambal, bakar ayam, lol, bless them), so i am now sembilan periuks wiser in the art or cooking nasik lemak haha.

earlier tonight Niesa came walking in my room, offering me a can of Coke. i said okay and she went to take it from her room, came back seconds later, and placed it on my table. some time later i took a sip and thought 'wow, Coke sucks when it's not cold/at room temperature'. then i left in on my table and about a couple of hours later, i took another sip, and...i didn't know what to think. i was either
a) glad that the Coke tasted SO much better
b) upset over the fact that my room can also function as, literally, a refrigerator.

30mins to Subuh. STAY AWAKE atiq, STAY AWAKE.

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