Thursday, April 24, 2008


nothing new there.

i no longer put out links to this blog, not in my friendster, not in my ym (...well i rarely use it anymore anyways) ...i don't know. it's like a diary, and you're the special few that found it earlier and somehow wants to read it still, so i'm letting it be that way.

i wanted to make this blog private because i don't want people to think i'm writing stuff for attention, but i figured that i don't want to take it away from the regular readers (i think i have like 15 of you, that's my blog's average view per day anyway), because if one of the blogs i read is taken away from me, i'd feel rather sad. ...not that i think my blog would mean THAT much to you, but well. i'm just sayin'

my head's too dizzy for any more Physiology, but Subuh is in 40 more minutes, i have to stay awake, or else i'd never be able to wake up on time.

i sent an upset text to a friend who didn't deserve it. i fail at life.

(in a totally unrelated note,)
a story, in text form.

friend: Salam. tiq exam bile?
me : 8 may. takot!
friend: Ok nya :) good luck!

i love how the friendship has evolved. thank you :]

(azan in 10 minutessss!~)

i think it is a great achievement that i no longer have the urge to call and ask a certain person to sing Tegar for me when i can't sleep. and i say 'the urge to call' because i haven't been calling the person for a very very long time. because i don't want to and because his girlfriend hates me.



Anonymous said...

Hey, i do read ur blog..
im too busy and too lazy to write 1, so i choose to read urs..
gudluck xm tiq..

nona said...

Kak Nona ni... kak na pon sokmo gok masuk blog atiq ni..hehe.. tp masuk baco jah la.. kak na letok link blog atiq kat blog kak na gok.. tp baru lagi blog tuh..posting pon tok sapa 10 pon lagi..hehe.. Gud Luck desssss exam

Anonymous said...

does your tracker said that one of the reader is from Cardiff?


best of luck Atiq!

I know u can do it, insyaAllah.. we all are praying for you my sis..

Tengku Atique said...

Mimosa pudica : thanks dear. see you in Kelate?

Kak Na : thankssss! xtahu pun kak na ado blog! nati atiq link kak na jgk deh?

Kak Sue : i really, really, appreciate that akak thayang. and can't read your blog nemore since it's privatised :(

Anonymous said...

ahaha... i change the address long long time ago la dear... blog yg kunun2 private tu takde mende pon.. ahaha..

Anonymous said...

brani mung nok privatise bllog ni~~~:-)