Monday, April 14, 2008

Accio study moooooddd~~~!!~

dear stalker: my life, past, and how i act and speak and everything somehow ALWAYS make people have the WORST pre-judgements towards me and it is uber-easy for people in general to misunderstand me and to believe in rumours about me. so get off my case, i'm not part of the little drama you're creating. don't get things mixed up, because people WILL believe absolutely anything others say about me. they just do.

just leave me alone..pretty please...?~

and UCC, if you're reading my blog (my college is a living soul, i kid you not) i'd like to say thanks for having EPIC study tips on your site. you know i love you. someday we'll get married, kay?

and everyone else who reads my blog needs to use all hair products by John Frieda. it's fantastic and it's expensive so i can only afford to use it once, so you have to use it in my behalf so i can be happy.

and i have never been this broke. i literally can't afford to pay the money i owed Adilah even though it wasn't even 20euros. i don't even have 20euros in my bank account! (i do have some cash left though, thank God)

-end of crappy blog post-
sorry if that was a pain to read!

salam wbt :D


fazrul mokhtar said...

these stalkers should just berambus jauh2 kan. i know how it feels. (just in case my stalker reads this: BERAMBUS KAU!~)


Tengku Atique said...

they scare me sometimes, sigh

Iron Butterfly said...

dear sister,

you're not allowed to post pix of the siblings without me in it. I feel left out.

If not, I am soo going to get married without your presence and put up all my wedding pictures sans you in my blog. Ngahaahahaha...

Tengku Atique said...

butttt the only pictures with all seven of us are raya pics from a million years ago :(

we need to take more pics :(

Anonymous said...

salam atique... no worries... it has been paid!! ngoho~~