Wednesday, January 23, 2008

some AMAZING things

i need to study but a couple of pretty amazing things happened to me and i just need to write it down before the excitement goes away.

yesterday morning, the first thing i noticed out my window when i threw back the orange curtains was this ultra-gorgeous-super-bright HUGE rainbow. it've been forever since i last saw a perfect semicircle gigantore (okay that may not be the best adjective for this) rainbow, so it was quite an amazing way to start a day :] i took pictures of it, but,like i said,its huge. hence i cudnt capture the whole of it from my bedroom window. you'd just have to make do with what i have, kay?

and this night the study group finished pretty late, and it was dark by the time i walked out of the library. and as soon as i stepped out of the building, i saw this shiny, perfectly round, full moon! its not the normal full moon, its sparkly and its really HUGE (okay i know i said huge way too much already). its THE most stupifyingly beautiful full moon i've ever witnessed, and i was completely in love with it, and i was taking pictures every few step i take (read:exaggeration). though, of course, all the pictures look the same, captured with my humble phone.

and the last amazing thing is. i always buy this fantabulous smoothie called Innocent, right. and they always have the cutest most random stuff scribbled all over their smoothie cartons. apart from tasting awesome-ly fruitylicious, the company has great values that i appreciate very much i.e. involved in environment friendly productions, constant funding for charities, fruits direct from farmers which means they're not underpayed, and a strict no modern-day chemical crap in their smoothies. so you get the point,right..i love them.

back to the story about the last amazing thing.

Mas bought me my favourite Mango & Passion Fruits Innocent smoothie, so i was all excited when i got back home. because the scribbling on the Innocent cartons are ever-changing, i've developed a habit of turning the carton around while i drink it (from a glass. i pour a glass of it and then turn the carton around while drinking it. i dont drink from the carton and turn it around, because that's the most amazingly crappy thing to do,the smoothie'll spill all over.anyway.) to find random new stuff they print. i always check even at the bottom of the carton, because theres a couple of times there were pretty cute/amusing doodles there (yes, i am lame. tell me something i DONT know :p)

so it turns out, as i was peeking at the bottom of the carton, instead of the normal doodles, there's a sentence there. as i squint my eyes to read the small font, i realized that it said;

'stop looking at my bottom'

and burst out laughing.

so there's my amazing things. i appreciate the little things in life that gives me that dose of endorphine that i totally need right now.

[wow i use a lot of non-existent words in this one]

[end of crappy blog entry]

right...back to the books i go!

salam alaik,

p.s. will upload pics after the exams!
edit : omg i'm sorry i never got to uploading them, my hp's bluetooth isn't working right!


Anonymous said...

What a cute entry! I know the feeling. I miss that feeling. 'stop looking at my bottom' ~ lawok molek.. even your favourite smoothie company is cheering you on. How great is that? Everybody's behind you. Aja aja fighting!!

Anonymous said...

good luck in ur exams yea?. i will have mine too in few weeks time. chaiyo!


Tengku Atique said...

baiklah, berusaha!

[i dont have a lot of readers, but it seems like many from the few readers that i have are anons?]

Anonymous said...


gud for u for having a great day..
dun b like me, i had a nitemare just nw, n i end up browsing evry1's page instead of sleeping..
all d best i ur upcoming exam..

Anonymous said...

eh. jgn perasan.


Anonymous said...

:) nice..

tak tahu la atiq exam lg ke tak skrg ni..just, good luck..n believe in urself..

Tengku Atique said...

mimie : hope it wasnt to bad..takpo2, mipi jah :]

anon : hehe

akak : jzkk akak :] nanti lepas exam atiq nak gi nyemak kat umah akak, yeay!