Monday, January 28, 2008

odd hours nocturnal weird sleep blablabla

i am exceptionally bright in coming up with good titles.

its been really odd. i have been having way too frequent migrain attacks, and i'm beginning to think theres something wrong with my eyes. perhaps my astigmatism got worse. Lynn and Lala were forcing me to go have a checkup but i just cant bring myself to waste my precious before exam time by going down to town. a week wont make much difference i suppose :/

slept early and woke up super early during one of the migrain nights, and amazingly enough, Kakwe called at 5 am Ireland time, all chirpy and cheerful without a care in the world about the 7 hour time difference, haha. she forgot about it, apparently, thank God i was already wide awake, even though i think i was still a bit slow. i hope Kakwe didnt think i ran out of things to say on purpose...i guess my brain couldnt quite register me having a phone conversation at 5 in the morning, gomenne Kakwe! i havent heard your voice in ages, 'twas a very pleasent surprise :]

on a more random note, i love the way my house almost always have leftover home-made cake in the fridge for me to eat at midnight, haha.

i have a really strong urge to rant about recycling and global warming....but that prolly isnt a good idea. people wud stop reading anyways, its already a long entry.

i've only just realized that this post doesnt serve any purpose at all to my readers (except if you love me, yes yes...i know you do, go on, admit it :D), all it does is make me happy :] i love writing.


i prolly should go to sleep now.

salam alaik,
xoxo :]


Ain Sallahuddin said...

i love u..i admit it..hahahaha...saya di sini mengdeclarekan..saye rindu kamuu!!!!!..wuwuwuwuwu...oh oh..ain link atiq tau kat my blog..ainsallahuddin.blogspot...malas nak gune frenster dah..hehe..muackss!!

Tengku Atique said...

hehehe...ainnnnnnnnnnnn...rindu jugerrwwww.. :( :( :(

atiq nak exammmm~~~ :( :(

and yeay to new blog! :D