Wednesday, January 9, 2008




okay i know i said i wont write as frequently but i'm still writing pretty frequently. but not as long, so it takes like 5 mins je.

i hate Friendster sebab nobody ever updates it anymore and sebab atiq pun malas jugak nak update. i shall not be defeated by the peer pressure to make a Facebook account!!! waaaarghh. tanak tanak tanaakkk!

i got the first item i bought off e-Bay :D saw a receipt for failed delivery when i got back from class last two days. so i went to Togher's Sortings Office to get it. but i'm not as excited as i could have been, receiving that package. because i thought it was a parcel from Mama (which i had been waiting for for like, FOURRRR months!~). so i was quite frustrated. because it wasnt my Maggis and Colour Pens and Bekas Ubat Gigis and Buku Notas. but i would have been very excited if i had known earlier on that the failed-to-deliver-package was from e-Bay and not mama. oh well.

(yes yes so you're wondering what i bought off e-Bay)

except that i dont have the updated with a new chapter thing.
it's second hand and it's hard cover, it only costed me like E0.50 ^.^

it's the new Harry Potter, y'all!!~
haha. except you dont get free wands when u buy it!~ :p

yeap. i can't wait to start reading it. i'm going to do so as soon as i'm done with my paper.


the paper. my term exam. 4th Feb. doakan?~

and guess what?

Mama finally gave me permission to work. :D

p.s. Pareq and Di are 1st and 2nd in line to borrow it, i'll announce it when the book is available for me to loan it to you kay?? hee.


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