Saturday, November 24, 2007

signing off from the cyber world fer a while..~

post-usrah syndrome: i've so many things to share dgn orang sampai i dont know how to susun words to tell the rest of the world (well, the world that reads my blog, at least :p) hmm. maybe someday i'll get better at this.

nway this entry is 2 let u know that i'll be off from my ym, off from my blog and off from my Friendster fer some time..i've to take a step back and analyze a lot of things...without the distractions of these. so if u dont see me online fer a long time dekat my ym tu, jgn ingat atiq buat appear permanently invis/ignored u or anything such kay.

what i wont be off from are my e-mail (banyak tanggungjwb...xleh abaikan my email) and my handphone (walaupun boleh tinggal merata2 lame2 dgn sesuka hati and still takde text - not that i'm complaining) so if u've anything super important (especially MAFASYNZ princesses) e-mail/text me kay.

i'm in an emotional roller-coaster...dont really know how to describe it, but i know i'll get better insyaAllah. so do NOT worry kayh. its just me being me.
