Sunday, November 11, 2007

of friendship and betrayal..~

sometimes i wonder, how can the people that i love so much betrays me in such unthinkable fashion..~? this is the second time in two months, and its done by three different bestfriends.. i seem to suck at choosing friends,huh. well...two of them said sorry and everything and me being the homo sapien holding strong to the forgive-and-forget principal of life, moved on from the crisis and is completely okay with them now.

but then this has to happen and its a really big blow fer me...its the bestfriend that knows absolutely everything about myself and my past, the bestfriend that i can tell everything to and get away with cause i know he'll still love me anyways, the bestfriend that i trust most..he's the bestfriend, y know what i'm sayin?

i haven't spent time chatting to him fer quite some time...haven't been calling him like i used to, we're not as close as we were before...but still. it gives him no right to do this to me. it hurts, and it hurts more that he has to lie about it.


this sounds familiar...mengapakahhhh it has to happen to me again and again?? God, i so need a completely new set of friends or something. like...start over from scratch.

well maybe not completely. i mean...nisa is great. lynn is too. and kelly is wnderful. i dont know...friends...they're mind boggling, dont you think so?~ macam...sekejap they seem like the greatest people ever...tibe2 they become these horrible monsters and makes you wonder whether they were ever really the person you once thought they were...

sedih kan?~


on a more happy and positive note: scored myself a new friend yesterday. lets just hope i did a better job this time around, shall we?~


p.s: you. yes i was talking about you. i know you told her something. sapa hati~


Anonymous said...

ish ish ish...
sad sad sad...
ihs ihs ihs...

fazrul mokhtar said...

sian nye.

Tengku Atique said...

erk. howwww did u get here??

Tengku Atique said...

sudin: perliiii??

Unknown said...

tidak atik....
thats happen when i dunno what to say but i still want to speak...

Tengku Atique said...


Anonymous said...


Iron Butterfly said...

who is this BFF of yours?? hmm.. can't beat Abe Ron huh?

Tengku Atique said...

yeah....sure cant beat your rapping BFF, hehe ^.^

Anonymous said...

phew~ i've a slight feeling of deja vu la sis. i also know HE told her something. yes, it's a he and he was my bloody BFF. boys are stupid. throw rocks on them. i used to think they suck in relationships but make great friends. now it's just been proven they're just a bunch of *******. but of course, this only applies to most of 'em and not all. so no need to be offended if ur not in d group. call me a feminist, but dat's a fact.

Tengku Atique said...

haha..yeah my friend has the 'boys r stupid..throw rocks!~' poster up on her bedroom wall.

i y i dont share much with my in-a-relationship friends, coz they tell absolutely everything to their girl/boyfriends, which sucks.

(except fer you na, coz if theres any guy in the world i wud trust, it wud be your acap)

Iron Butterfly said...

BOYS are STUPID, MEN are IGNORANT. Pick one.

Anonymous said...

Sic Ron was here

Tengku Atique said...

ronald mcdonald : aik. kwang2. thanks 4 dropping by :D

kakak : i told ya, m gonna grow old single, with opie. mm-hmm.