Friday, November 30, 2007

my non-existing patience.

i really need to work on my patience. pronto. asap. smoke. (hehe)

to say that i lose my patience easily is actually a lie. coz i dont even have any patience in the first place, so its impossible for me to lose it, right. adeyh.

it used to be way worse when i was younger. well. i must say, those who were friends with me back then must've silently hated me, or they must've been tremendously kind-hearted. as i grow older, i still dont possess much patience- but i have maturity, slight wisdom and also, some ego. so tak mengamuk as much as i used to.

usually when i'm mad at someone i'll resort to silence. sebab i've learned (the hard, embarassing way - don't ask) that screaming and pouring out all that anger into words doesnt really have much use to it. tapi i just cannot hold myself when the person i'm mad at just keep on asking stuff, provoking me. i just do NOT have any patience..people, please, do NOT mess with me when i'm pissed off. i am NOT a pleasant girl mase i marah.

Now, i'm feeling guilty sebab marah2 kat this person and i know i should say i'm sorry, tapiiii susahhhhnyeerrrrr... i do NOT like what the person did to me. sighs. maybe i should give myself more time. yes. that sounds like a good plan.

so...does anybody have any tips on how i can work on being more patient...?~

Kak Nang ckp, susah nak sabar nie...sebab tu dalam Quran cakap,

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mohonlah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan solat. Sungguh, Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar."
Al-Baqarah, 2:153



Mila Liyana said...

tiba-tiba teringat.. masa kita jadi deskmate dulu..

atique suka cakap ni kalau marah..


tak ingat dah campuran words apa. huhahaha.

Tengku Atique said...

hahaha...aimi!! mane boleh ingat lagii...kekeke. cousins atiq punye ajaran sesat la tu...mane tah asal usul pekataan tu, i dont think ada anybody else apart from us yang gune the word buding. kwang3.

Iron Butterfly said...

the siblings of the cousin who first used the word semua ader "Din" at the back of their names. Like Azinuddin, Hafizuddin and Azharuddin. So maybe it came from that. Ngahahah..

Anonymous said...

Teaser and Honesty surely can't be mixed... hehe...