Thursday, October 11, 2007


you who had always been here there and everywhere when i need you
you who lent me money when that scumbag snatched my handbag and i was too scared to tell my dad about it
you who went to the college mosque in the middle of the night to take my specs for me coz i recklessly left it there
you who always call me at all the right times
you who buy me ice cream from the college shop every other day
you who gave me rides home
you who listens and never judged me
you who forgave me for hating you once
you that my sisters love so much
you whos making my bestfriend the happiest girl on earth
you the older brother i never had
you there in India.

i've missed you.


Anonymous said...

"you who my sisters love?" ehem2.. I'm ur sister n who is this person dat i'm supposed to love?

Tengku Atique said...

hahah. u werent around so much when i was in kmb, so u dont know much about him. maybe someday :)