Saturday, October 13, 2007

Syahdu di pagi Aidilfitri~

(here i am writing this blog in my room on pagi Raya, with the sound of my buzzing laptop and the voice of Dayah talking on the phone with her family as the background,)

everything was fine last night...after solat Maghrib, all 5 tenants of 15, Glendale Road sat in a halaqah and recited takbir...after that we all jumped around Khaza's room and yelled Selamat Hari Raya!! to each other (we probably annoyed the hell out of our neighbours,hehe). After solat Isya' we all walked to Clashduv to take the raw materials and walked back home to start cooking rendang for Cork's jamuan Raya (after a lot of fuss on which tudung would match Dayah's and Khaza's baju raya). We listened to lagu rayas while we were cooking and sang along (them) and screamed along (me).

slept fine last night, felt somone (Dayah) crept beside me under the duvet just before i died of exhaustion...she was probably homesick or something. Woke up to Mas's excited voice talking on the phone with her family, walked up to shut the door (i think i pushed the door too hard, it banged and Mas was reduced from talking at the hallway to talking on the stairs,adeyh)

Mas peeked into my room after she finished talking on the phone to wake me up for Subuh.. me and Dayah walked sleepily down to Khaza's room to pray. Nisa's probably still sick, poor girl. After Subuh Mas suggested for another round of takbir and we all agreed. berpandukan the book Kelly gave me, as always.

(and then everything just went out of control...)

since i was holding the book, i began the first part of takbir, and my voice started shaking...i broke down and sobbed as soon as i passed the book to Mas..and somehow along the way Mas started sobbing a little bit,too~

was thinking of what I'm going to have for breakfast today...i dont even have any cereal left, for God's sake. thinking about eating cereal on Raya is really tearing me apart..kalau kat rumah...pagi2 bile dah siap cantik2 turun kat bawah ade nasik himpit, kuah kacang, satay,macaroni bakar,rendang...and ade Mama...

and i was thinking about my sisters...smalam diorang ckp nk gi tidur rumah Tokku temankan Tokku sebab sepupu2 sebelah Ayahnda ramai yang exam tahun ni so takde sorang pun balik...mesti kecoh diorang siap2 pagi Raya...diorang pegi smayang Raya kat masjid Telipot ke ye.

bile la agaknye boleh Raya kat rumah lagi...lagi la lama now that i stupidly elongated my study period~

Shallow kadang2 rase diri ni bile fikir, sikitnye derita yang Atiq rase skarang berbanding dengan derita orang lain, tak layak rasanya nak nangis beriya macam ni..

Selamat Hari Raya dari kami di perantauan..

jangan lupakan kami~


Iron Butterfly said...

sorry Tiq.. so so sorry.. i planned to update my blog every Raya day but the streamyx fckued up at home.. Selamat Hari Raya.. look at my teaser pix and see if you recognize someone. He he he..

Anonymous said...

atiq..selamat hari raya..jgn sedey2...=)

Tengku Atique said...

kakak : yeah i know about the desktop...stupid desktop...ih3.

kak nida : :D thanks kak nida!~

Anonymous said...

i was googling up masjid Telipot when i stumbled upon your blog. maybe this website would help to tend to that broken heart of yours, missing the environment at home.

in there is a picture of masjid telipot. :)

Anonymous said...

oh lupa nak tanya, your ayahanda nama apa?

Tengku Atique said...

wow, thats like, super random. thanks for the link, i'll check it out after i finish studying Physiology.

how'd u know i call my dad Ayahnda? i ada tulis eh...tak perasan. Well. he's nobody famous, thats for sure :)

thanks for dropping by!

Anonymous said...

i was that anonymous that asked for your ayahanda's name, anak tengku mana yang tak panggil father dia ayahanda?

who's your grandfather? i read your father's name somewhere on your blog, but then tak kenal. i only know the older generations.

Tengku Atique said...

i can't tell you who my grandad is coz you might know him :] he's a man of status and protocol so i'm not quite sure whether he'd want people to know that the girl who writes in this humble little blog is his granddaughter.. :]

besides, you're signing in as anonymous, it's pretty unfair if i'm the only one giving away all the personal infos, ey? tee-hee.

Anonymous said...

hahaha..."a man of status and protocol". aren't they all are, especially those of the older generations? just like my father and his father.

protocol is still protocol within The Family. that can never be changed. it runs with the blood.

so, i think you can already guess who i am roughly from the flow of my conversation. so then, you are the great-granddaughter of which sultan of kelantan? :)

Anonymous said...

I'll answer this on my sister's behalf. Sultan Muhammad IV.