Monday, October 29, 2007

of this PR job and daylight saving


nak nanges...boleh x?

being a PRO for MCS, keje die selain dr keje2 yang Event Manager kasik, basically is just checking emails and sending texts.


not quite.

slh Atiq jgk...buat keje ape2 tah. kan dah kena maki kat orang. haih. lame dah tak kena maki. skali skale kena maki perit jugak rase. especially bile orang tu Atiq kenal. bagus jugak gune number MCS buat keje, die tak tau sape yang hantar the msg. (i doubt the person reads my takpe la cakap kat sini kan?) (takut la pulak)

ishk. manje gile. sikit2 nak nanges. tolonglar Atiqah. kecik sampai besar prangai lebih kurang same je.

anyway. yesterday everybody reversed their watches satu jam kebelakang - its the beginning of the Daylight Saving period. dah start dah zaman2 pukul 6 dah gelap gelita. makin jauh plak rasa dengan orang Malaysia bila beza masa dah tambah, from 7 hours dah jadi 8 hours. selamat menjadi semakin merana kepada mereka yang ada balak/awek/suami/isteri/tunang dikejauhan, ucapan ikhlas daripada saya yang single, haha.

eh cam jahat plak.

kan senang if i have the power to do just that? kalau rase tak sempat nak buat something, or i'm going to be late for some important event, just make everybody in the world reverse their watches and make all the satellites change the cellphone and laptop clocks of all homo sapiens. nice.

ooh. i came back from Dublin smalam. missed the 5pm bus sbb makan cake and food from Rico's at Lynn's so decided to redah je naik bas pukul7 sorang2. turned out i met some seniors waiting for the bus mase i went to the bus stop. bile sampai Cork they had to (read the keterpaksaan note) send me back home dulu dengan cab, being the noble gentlemen that they are, then baru they go back to their house in Wilton. segan GILE, sumpah tak tipu. i dont really know any of them. ye la kenal la name tapi i dont know know them, u know what i mean?

(theres way too many knows in that paragraph)

i always do that, ishk. selalu je put myself in awkward situations. sepatutnye Atiq amek je cab sorang2 and smile and say 'no thanks, i'll be fine' je bile diorang offer nak hantar, and not just stand there like an antisocial freak and wait for instructions. God, i surprise myself sometimes with how unfriendly and unapproachable and un-a-lot-of-things i can be. it boggles the mind.

i think i'm losing my social skills. like seriously. and i think my self-esteem has all gone down the drain. apehal tah. cacat gile la Atiqah.

ramai ke orang bace blog Atiq ye? Atiq tau just kakak, Opie, Mimie, and senior2 sengal tapi best rumah Halldene n Charnwood yang slalu bace...hmm. u there. YOU. let me know u're reading this kay? hehe.

(entry ini sungguh menyedihkan i think. ah. whatever. i'm publishing it neways)

gnight peeps.



n Z r A said...

saye bace jugak encik atique!

Tengku Atique said...

hahah, bugger! hope ur kaki is getting better!

Anonymous said...

ye atique, akak slalu bace blog awak =)

Putri Z. said...

knock knock. i read your blog.

Tengku Atique said...

k fatim : miss popular reads my blog tee-hee

kak ee : eh? thats nice to know :) thanks 4 dropping by!

Anonymous said...

i duno who is d MIMIE in ur post..
bt hey ME! ME!
i do read ur blog!!
lame xtgk, ado 3posts br doh..

Tengku Atique said...

yes honey the mimie i wrote is you :)
yeah i've been writing more frequently..tapi only sengal posts that i write just because i feel like writing huhu.

Anonymous said...

"selamat menjadi semakin merana kepada mereka yang ada balak/awek/suami/isteri/tunang dikejauhan, ucapan ikhlas daripada saya yang single, haha"

"i told them the person confessed his love for me"

Adakah ini bermakne aku kene reject?
tak pasal2 jer..huhu..

Tengku Atique said...

err. i only know one que, and thats my cousin que...u cant be que, right?

whos there...?~

Anonymous said...


Tengku Atique said...

errrr....knapeee??? x fahamm

Anonymous said...

mr Q tu ha...klaka...(mentertawekan diri sendiri)...

Tengku Atique said...

err...sudinnn!! do not make confusing statements la pacik!~ hadoiiilar.

Anonymous said...

sile abaikan segale statement aku yg sungguh mengkonfiuskan itu...
haih.aku ckp english org tak paham...cakap melayu org konfius...lepas nih cakap arab la...