Friday, October 5, 2007

Encik Bubu

I dont have a soft toy/huge bear/anything like that on my bed, just three quilted pillows and a double bed duvet. its getting lonely sleeping in such a big bed alone.

i have this tendency to call any of my friend's soft toys Bubu when i go for sleepovers and sleep with them, tak kire name sebenar diorang ape..kadang2 takde name pun (Kak Yan!! grrr. kena letak name laa!)

i like Kak Iza's Bubu and Taq's Bubu and Kak Yan's Bubu and and and.... *sighs*

i think its about time i go get my own Bubu to keep me ideal Bubu wud have long(er than usual) kaki n tangan, soft to touch, and be a part-beanie, and can lie snugly on me..yesh..i'd want that Bubu. I'm yet to find him though, i looked around town yesterday but none seem to be THE perfect Bubu for me...when i buy one i'm gonna make sure that i really really really like it, baru berbaloi. Sebab i notice soft Bubus are pwetty expensive, *sighs*

sit tight there Encik Bubu, one day i'll come round and get you okay.



Anonymous said...

pinky, whity, greeny and peachy, they all miss u la atiq..ehehhe..

ala ciann..nk bubu yek, akak bg pinjam whity la, since dia yg paling best skali..

miss u

Anonymous said...

JUST three QUILTED pillows?

miss you.

Tengku Atique said...

Kak Yan: hihihi..pastuuuu nak angkut all the way from Bishopstown balek Glasheen?? hehehe

rindu akak juge :D (gedik tak, baru je jmpe)

Opie: yessss...JUST three quilted pillows...hik3

yeah i miss you too alright. huk3.