Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"it comes in waves...."

one minute i'm okay, happy and laughing..one minute i'm down and crying and frustrated and pissed at myself..


its something i'm not quite used to.
i'm afraid i've run out of luck as soon as i stepped foot on this country of shamrocks and leprechauns.

i'm repeating first year.

i'm repeating first year.

met Dr. Oflynn and she said,

"there's no way the medical school can allow you to carry a 15 credit subject to Second Year. you'll never catch up. we don't want to be held responsible for over-burdening you. we don't want to destroy your future by allowing that to happen"

as much as i hate to admit it, i'm scared of that, too...no matter how determined and strong-willed i seem to be on the outside~

"Prof. Harris and Prof. Gebruer looked through your paper again and again, but they just can't pass you. The Physiology department felt really bad for failing you thus causing you to repeat the whole year for just one module"

i guess i really suck at CVS Physiology then. no point doing a recheck.

"the medical Exam Board specifically discussed you, but there really is nothing we can do to help..i'm so sorry Atiqah. i know it've been a very bad day, but there'll be excellent days, too.."

by this time i was already crying and apologizing for it profusely at the same time, i was an absolute mess, the fact that there's nothing i can do about this and the fact that i really do have to repeat first year was slowly, painfully, sinking in.

"Dont worry about your scholarship, i'll write a very strong reccomendation letter to MARA saying we'll be surprised if this happens to you again, i'm sure they wont stop giving you allowance in final year"

thanking her profusely. told her i'm scared and i feel like such a failure, having to repeat friggin FIRST year.

"Atiqah, there's this student i know. He repeated first year, but never failed any more exams afterwards, and he graduated First in his class. he was just as upset as you are back then. nobody remembers that he repeated first year, and nobody cared about it. people rarely remember what happens in First Year, but they usually do remember what happen later on. it can happen to you, too. you just have to get yourself through this,"

to the guy, whoever you are...thanks for succeeding and thanks for being that silver lining i really need...you'll always be my inspiration~

so this is it, everyone. FM1002 all over again.

i still dont have the courage to discuss it or talk about it on the phone or text or face-to-face or anything such. i'm sorry...but writing this entry is as far as i can go~

this may sound a bit selfish...

i'll seek comfort and support from you when i feel ready to accept it, kay..~ i need a little bit more time~

its not that i dont appreciate it, i DO, i really, really, do...i'm just not ready for it just yet..

i love you. all of you. now, always, forever.



Anonymous said...

i'm sorry sis. be strong yea? don't cry too much or u'll get "gelang hitam" round ur eyes besides making ME cry too. shit. now evryone thinks i'm such a sentimentalist to break down after reading a blog entry. it's a long way to go and failure is only a tiny part of it ok?

Iron Butterfly said...

it's okay Tiq, it's okay.. we (the family) understand. And i'm sure they (your friends) understand too..

you know you've done your best, failing is when you stop trying. so chill.. keep trying..

Iron Butterfly said...


If I remember correctly, there was only another student who's younger than you in KMB.

You were born in DECEMBER, and you skipped standard 4. You TOOK SPM WHEN YOU WERE STILL 15.

You were forced to grow up when you were still a kid. And you will always be my kid sister forever.

If you don't repeat year, you would have been among the youngest Malaysian to graduate. But now that you are repeating, you will graduate with kids YOUR AGE, and still be among the youngest.

So DON'T EVER THINK YOU ARE A FAILURE. You did well all the way throughout school. It's about time the hiccup comes along the smooth ride u had.

So just chill and have fun studying one subject. Kalu rajin then you can study the susah subjects in Year 2, then you'll be more prepared to take on Year 2 later.

All the best sister. If muroh rezeki and panje umur, I'll attend your graduation. That's a promise.

Anonymous said...

kak azah forced me to leave an encouraging comment. hehe. nah, wud leave one anyway. here goes :
i know one person who has everything going on so well in his life and he becomes such an a**. besar palo ore kato. :D when we stumble upon difficulties, we'll learn to get out of that mess and we can say, "hey, i've been thr.." THAT is a real life experience. will definitely make you STRONGER, no doubt. no more tears, aite? :)

Tengku Atique said...

Opie: thanks dear...feels weird now u'r being the one giving the encouragement, huehue. the (metal/silver) necklace is getting a bit too cold to wear since its almost winter..i'm so so sorry~

Kakak: thanks kak..really, thanks...insyaAllah,i'll revise the other subjects in first year and try reading on those of second year...be more prepared for second year~

Kak Dianne: thats super nice of you :) the tears will stop soon enough..will try to come out of this a better person,

Anonymous said...

atiq dearest,insya allah...

utk mengejar pelangi,kita perlu meredah hujan di waktu panas....i am almost certain the rainbow is waiting 4 u....SOON....this is the hujan n panas phase ok???

Anonymous said...

sayo selaku ore hok nk nyelit jugok dale hal nih bersetuju nge semo pendapat ore lain...sekian...timo kaseh

BANGKIT!! <--- sila sebut perkataan ini dgn penuh semangat


Tengku Atique said...

thanks kak nida :) atiq ingak lagi la kak nida...kito ajim jupo a few times key?

arih : thanks..sorry lamo tidak memberi khabar berita, hope everythings fine for you,

Anonymous said...

hey sayam..

stumble upon ur blog, n just knw d news.b patient okey?

i've been in ur shoes, bt d difrent thing is it was wen i didnt meet my cut-of-point by 1 point, making me not eligible to enter med school under scholarship.no med school for me, imagine dat!

was depressed, lose weight (my secret of losing weight), spent my days crying, thinking of changing course, yes i understand about d failure thingy, ive been ther..bt babe owez remmbr u r nt n nvr wil b a failure okey?to be honest i didnt expect dis from u, cz for me, u r a bright shining star student. its nt abt being a failure or stupid or anything watsoever, tade kaitan lasum tiq..

d only thing got me going on is i believe, He wil nvr test me, unless He knws dat i can go through it.He knws dat im strong enuff to face it.He's testing u sayam, He knws u can overcome it, He knws u can do it.Maybe He has something better for u, bt in a difrent way than others.

Wat happened to me b4 was d biggest pang! in my life. nvr in my life i had been sooo unlucky, bt He has His own plan.anggap all dis as ujian, to make u stronger, to make u wiser.

jgn sedey2 k sayam.owz remembr dat evry1 is owez by ur side. jgn isolate diri deh, at times like dis u nid ppl gvng u support..

hope i did console u a bit.
never ever give up okey.


Tengku Atique said...

of course you did...love you tons sayang. how in the world did you get here anyways?