Sunday, September 2, 2007


i just got back from Limerick and since Kak Rose and Kak Cikin are at Kak Yuli's place, i'm stranded in an internet cafe in North Main Street...with a bladder that's ready to burst.

i didnt go jalan-jalan in Limerick, just went to visit Kak Timah and Kak Wani,

which was better then any jalan-jalan activity, of course. Atiq kawan dengan senior2 la skarang, since people from my batch lambat lagi nak balik Cork.. (korang, Atiq rindu!) it was kinda fun being the youngest, i got to get away with the evil things i do, kekeke. at one point Kak Yan said,

"awak ni ingatkan akak dekat satu character kartun ni...ape ek. alar yang comeyl2 tu...alien tu.."

and i picked my MOTOKRZR up and showed her the handphone charm Charlene bought for me when she went to Disneyland in Paris last term


the shocked Kak Yan then said,

" laaa! ape dah name die?"

its a Stitch, and Charlene bought it for me saying it reminds her of me, "innocent-looking mischievous little devil", she said.

hee-hee :p

how i miss apartment 58.

i meet a lot of great people here, and i thank God for giving me these great companions to be like a second family to me...happy sangat jumpe the seniors and spending time with them, :D

and i suppose if its not for the fact that i had to come back here earlier, i wouldn't have gotten to know Kak Cikin yang busyuk dan Kak Rose yang comeyl...and a lot of other very nice seniors (and their babies...hehe) yang Atiq tak kenal pun before,

there's a bright side to most things if you think hard enough :D


the all-Ireland hurling final match wud be on later today. if the Americans of apt58 ade mesti they're already drooling over the players in front of the tv now, haha ^.^

football is the game in a lot of countries, but for Ireland....its hurling.

its Limerick vs Kilkenny.

Kak Timah said it've been a veeeery long time since Limerick got to the finals, so you can imagine how Limerick was when i was there tadi and yesterday. a lot of cars and houses were bearing the green and white Limerick flag, and there's a huge "GOOD LUCK LIMERICK" banner up on the train station.

there's even this pakcik who got up to us at the bus stop especially to tell us about the match!

it've been a fun weekend, full of kasih sayang :D

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