Thursday, September 6, 2007


I was blog-surfing, stumbled into a lot of my friends' blogs, with many different approaches towards life, and many different objectives to be blogging..

it brought me back to who i wanted me to be, before Summer, before Malaysia, before....


Kak Nang was so right. she knew this would happen,

Akak, i just dont have the strength to, i dont know where to start, and when i do start, i dont know how to stick to it, macam trapped in a fierce ocean wave, drowning, gasping for air~

i dont think it's healthy to only be that person when i'm around the right people, and transform into the old me when not..i'm too weak to stand my ground when i'm alone..i dont see it as hypocrisy, as i really felt it, i was honest and sincere and true...but i'm sure everybody else will just assume that that's what it is, that's who i am...a hypocrite.

i feel like all i do is give a bad name to the rest of the people choosing this road, jalan yang berbukit dan berbatu, the one less travelled by~

bukit iman dan futur Atiq sangat tinggi...i dont think it qualifies as bukit anymore, its gunung...Gunung Everest...


what in the world have i done?


Iron Butterfly said...

CiMA is a road lesser travelled!! Have faith. Eventhough I look nonchalant about my studies I DO want to complete the friggin' CiMA and move on with my life (read : get a bf, get married, get a 5 figure salary.. u know the drill).

I know more doctors than CiMA holders. So chill lah wei.

Tengku Atique said...

err. wrong post, is it?

Anonymous said...

do what u believe is true.. me myself have gone thru that phase(or maybe im still in it)
not evryone of us were lucky yes, but we have the most precious thing that Allah has given us, which is IMAN..
hold on tight adik..we will get thru this..

Anonymous said...

hhmmm...insyaAllah...semua ni memerlukan proses yg panjang...perlukan tarbiyyah yg panjang...dan moga2 kiter terus tsabat di jalan ini...bykan berdoa...mudah2an allah permudahkan jalan ini utk kiter...dan mudah2an allah memilih kiter daripada berbilion2 muslim di bumi ini utk berada di jalan ini...ingatlah...

"barangsiapa allah mahu memberikan kebaikan kepadanya,nescaya Dia akan memberikan kefahaman dalam agama"

Tengku Atique said...

atiq pun harap macam tu..thanks akak2...~

(anonymous = kak nang ek??)