Thursday, March 31, 2011

coffee room moment

This morning I was sitting in the parents' coffee room in the private paediatric ward in the Bon Secours Hospital, hastily re-writing the forty* history and examination reports that I scribbled on the sheets of A4 paper haphazardly clipped on the orange clipboard I got for my birthday. A man with an epic beard walked in, presumably to make himself coffee.

'Do you mind?' He politely asked, despite the room blatantly being there for him, not for medical students panicking to finish work at 9am, right before the morning ward round.

'No no no, go ahead please.' I said with a smile, adjusting the pale metallic green stethoscope hanging on my neck and continuing to write furiously.

'Would you like me to make you tea or coffee?' He said, insisting to be nice and polite.

'No thanks,' I said, and paused for a few seconds to get a good look at him before adding 'Is your child in this ward?' because I know all of the patients in this ward and their parents, and I definitely haven't met this friendly middle-aged man.

'I do. He just got in yesterday,' He said. After going on a bit of a chat about his 6 children and joking about his career being a Nappy Changer, he asked another question;

'Did you go to that Palestine march we had in the city some time ago?'

'I did, yes.' I said, partially alarmed, partially amused as to where this is going.

'Yeah...I definitely remember your face'


It's good to know that somebody can tell the average-looking me apart from the sea of Malaysians (and the sea of people) at the march, after this incident.

Also, blog? I'm falling in love with Paediatrics.


*the probability of this being a lie is as high as the probability of Heidi Montag being an actual idiot

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Privacy issues

I'm paranoid about people judging me. Maybe because I'm judgmental myself...I don't know.

My blog is private, my twitter is private. I don't tell most people most things about me because I don't trust people in general. The rule in my head is - the less people know, the less they have to bitch about me.

Many things that I write on my Twitter and my blog are private and usually if people don't know something about means I don't want them to know about it.

I hope I don't have anybody in here who'd go about telling people about what I write in my blog.

I'm assuming you're all nice and trustworthy. Well. That, or I'm really just a friend not worth gossiping about to you - that will work just as fine for me.



p.s. oh my God sentence structure in this blog is just...i can't even.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


'This butter is so hard to spread'

'You should get the spreadable ones'

4 people at once : 'NO! THOSE ARE NOT REAL BUTTER!'


'I will sacrifice spreadability for the sake of eating real butter. The secret is to hold it in your hands...blow on it for a few seconds...'

'You're turning me on'


Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hai. Dah lama tak demam, selalu migraine je.

Semalam I can't sleep properly sebab I can't breathe. So I did what I've been doing from time to time for the past 5 years when I can't sleep - I call Arih and ask him to sing for me. He's nice. I like him.

Selama ni when my friends go all 'aaargh semua orang dah kawen stress stress' I just laughed because it never felt like that to me, I've always been the 'waaaaa cantiknya baju beliau' atau 'kenapa hantaran ni buruk tapi takpelah bukan untuk aku' kind of person.

But when Zaty messaged me on facebook last week to say she's getting engaged, it finally hit me. Everyone's getting married. Tipulah kalau cakap I don't want to get married as well, but it's more than that - it's the fact that when I finally go home to Malaysia, friends have moved on so far with their lives. They've worked for a few years, they got married...they've probably grown into a person I barely know anymore. And there'll be me, just sitting there, trying to fit back into Malaysia after 6 years of absence and stagnance.

Even though I know new friends will never be the same with the friends we make in school...I hope I'll meet awesome new friends. I haven't made (actual) new friends for so long.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

even though I'm not friends with Luke anymore, I remember a lot of the things he said. I think they're gold. mostly because he was high on weed half of the time.

everytime Aer Lingus send emails saying 'Fly to Chicago this month!' I itch to click it.

freaking Luke Willard. what the hell happened to you. I hope you haven't OD-ed.

'I'm curious to learn how someone so young can be so damaged'
