Monday, November 15, 2010

kawan. kawan? kawan.

Oh hey, what is this? A BLOG? I have a BLOG?


I haven't felt much like blogging of late, partly due to having nothing blogworthy to write, partly due to Twitter, etcetera etcetera.

Updates are
  1. I broke my 4 year old phone, I bought a blackberry (everytime I told a friend of the price they'd say 'murahnyaa?!!?' - I got lucky, it was on promotion)
  2. I broke my 5 year old laptop, I got a new one.
The new laptop, this laptop i'm typing on right now, however, is free, and deserves a whole blog entry dedicated to it.

When my laptop first started to go all psycho on me ('Now I start! Now I shut down! Hahaha...I can do all I like, and you shall suffeeeerrr!' - Laptop) I told Lala over skype about it. Lala goes to RCSI, the private medical college that gives complete lecture notes (unlike our bulleted, scarce ones), fails their students just for the hell of it and accuse them of being a potential terrorist for putting up jihad-themed videos on facebook. some of those are true, some are exagerrations. I'll leave it to your imagination.

Another thing about RCSI is that they give their freshmen a 'free' macbook when they register, and a 'free' HP elitebook when they're in fourth year on the grounds that laptops don't last more than 3 years.

Lala said she'd give me her old Mac if she could but it's broken or something, I can't recall exactly what she said. then she suggested that I ask Shamil for his laptop because he has been lending it to this girl for months, and she'd already bought a new one.

One thing Shamil and I have in common is that we suck at keeping in touch. The last time I saw him was at a sushi place in Dublin last year, along with Lala and Amin. When my laptop really, actually died and refused to turn back on again, I decided to call Shamil. The conversation went something like this:



'Hai! Atiq ni. Sihat...?'

'Errr...Atiq. Ni...number Shamil tau?'

Ahahahaha. Yes, we haven't spoken on the phone for THAT long. Sampai he thought I called the wrong number. zzzz.

So I told him about the laptop, he told me who to get it from, and this conversation happened;

'Pinjam eh Shamil!'

'Hmm? Ambik je lah. Bukannya guna pun.'

'Hah?! Biar betul? You sure?'

'Yeap. Just get me good grades aite.'

'GET ME GOOD GRADES' BELIAU CAKAP. Macam bapak ke macam bapak? Haha.

So that is how I ended up with spanking new, barely used, HP elitebook. I was hoping he'd give me his old Macbook but in the end I'm just really really thankful to Allah for what happened.

“Barangsiapa bertakwa kepada Allah, nescaya Dia akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar. Dan memberi rezeki kepadanya tanpa di sangka-sangka. Dan barangsiapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkannya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan yang dikehendakiNya. Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu.”
At-Talaq: 2-3

I find it quite heartbreaking, letting go of that laptop. I held on to it for so long because Tokku bought it for finally gave in and crashed just a few months after Tokku left us :'(

Also, winter is here, guys.

Hugs and love and all that.


Iron Butterfly said...

I itch to get a new one too but I hold on to mine because like yours, Tok Ku bought it for me.. :'(

Tengku Atique said...

tu lah, banyok kali doh dio brona tp i kept spending money getting it fixed, huhu.

Sakiinah said...

nak dftr jd student kat RCSI lah mcm nie..master bleh dpt laptop tak?

*seriously sound like im spamming ur blog padahal baru hari ni ada masa nak baca ur blog dgn aman :P