Saturday, November 20, 2010

Deathly Hallows part 1 reaction blog

this is going to be a rant about Harry Potter. consider yourself warned.

I don't think I've ever mentioned it on here, but I am OBSESSED with Harry Potter. Ever since Kakak brought home the first book she borrowed from her friend all those years ago, I have been a huge fan. This was before the movies came out. I've always been a book geek.

When everybody else loved Enid Blyton for the Famous Five series, or the Adventure series, I would skip those titles when I was scanning my eyes over the books in my school library, and stop at the ones with elves and gnomes and fairies and toys that come alive at night. I have always been a girl who finds the endless borders of fantasyland way, way more attractive than reality. This is why I absolutely adore Narnia, and Lord of the Rings.

So when I began reading that first HP book Kakak brought home I almost immediately knew I was going to be attached to that series. Going to that movie today felt so unreal and intense because it's the first part of the final movie.

I loved the beginning when Hermione casted the obliviate spell on her parents so they won't remember her, and Harry looking at the Dursleys moving out of the house...and just the feeling that they're preparing for never being able to go back to their old lives again. And I liked that the scene where they all drank the polyjuice potion and become Harry was both funny and powerful.

Another scene that I thought was really really good was the one at the Malfoy Manor when they were all downstairs in the cellar and they could hear Hermione's screams from being tortured by Bellatrix. I think Draco's acting was very good throughout, I like that we could all see how weak and scared the Malfoys actually are, it builds up to what's going to happen in part 2 pretty well.

I also really like the way they did the Tale of the Three Brothers scene, it was completely different from the rest of the movie and I felt like it was believeable, as a story that the children of the wizarding world grow up with. They also portrayed the Ministry of Magic polyjuice potion scene really well, it was both funny and nervewrecking.

I know they left a LOT of scenes out, like the Harry/Dudley conversation at the beginning that to me was really important, but it was forgivable since the rest of it was spot-on. When Harry was telling Ron he was going to open the locket I immediately whispered 'Haasssssa heesssss sseyyyy suss' because I knew it had to be opened in Parseltongue, and 5 seconds after that Harry said 'Heeessssaa seeeaasss suss'. Niesa just looked at me with her 'You're so obsessed' accusing eyes. LOL.

I am so happy with the movie despite having to sit at nearly the VERY END of the FRONT row. I actually have a migraine now because we were so close to the screen that everytime they do the pan-in pan-out camerawork it actually felt like we were walking/flying into that room/manor/whatever.

Such a good excuse to go see it again some other time.



asqa said...

spoiler alert!!
now you ruin the movie for me

gonna watch it when i got my salary next week

Tengku Atique said...

ahahah habes tuuu nama lagi harry potter movie reaction blog memang la ada spoilerrr. nanti tell me which parts you like k!

Iron Butterfly said...

I didn't even realise that you first read it after I borrowed from Ayie. Did I borrow it for you? And btw, that friend, is also Firdaus' cousin. heh.

Tengku Atique said...

if my brain is serving me right, you borrowed the first book for yourself but i saw it and finish reading before you did, and you borrowed the second book for me. hehe. thanks kak!!

Sakiinah said...

i only like the tales of bard and the beedle part. am reading the last book again because i forgot most of the story line by now. some parts were changed not exactly like the story goes,kan?

*can't wait for 2nd part, hopefully i wont cry at the snape death scene