Tuesday, September 7, 2010

sold and too late.

I accepted my ex's fifth friend request after rejecting it time and time again out of sheer hatred and anger and menyampahness and also just for the fact that I really don't want to be friends with him again. What? The guy's a massive jerk and threw me into the deepest of relationshit pits. And he's also partially insane.

Ok he's not really insane, but whatever.

Anyway. I thought since its Ramadhan and because I'm no angel myself and have hurt many many people (a few of which have not yet forgiven me), and I also thought of the time when this former friend of mine who hated my guts sent a friend request as a sign of truce and how it made me really happy - I thought I'd accept his friend request in return, as pay it forward.

That sentence doesn't make any sense at all ahahahaha adeiii.

So kesimpulannya I accepted his friend request last night. And already he's being weird on my wall. MAKE HIM STOP T_____T

To be fair, he's not being THAT weird, it's just that his threshold of being weird in my head is much lower than everybody else's.

I just...wish he wouldn't try to be my friend again, and I wish it's enough for him that I forgive him and I also pray to God he wouldn't start commenting on every single thing I post after this and maybe he would even start to ignore me! That would be fantastic.


p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAKWE!!! I sent you a tweet bc I don't want my birthday wish to drown in the sea of facebook wall wishes. I hope you had (/are having) a great one!! Love you lots lots lots.

p.p.s. please read this entry with my dry sense of humor in mind!

Getting Past OK: still page 35


n Z r A said...

f***z l***i! spotted. lawwwll

Tengku Atique said...

ahahaha nazira shhhhhh

beeRamza said...

hahhahah...i saw it too. ingak ko miracle sbb atiq accept dio. but he IS flooding ur wall! T_T