Sunday, August 29, 2010

Revamping Thyself.

Hello hello.

I'm on a ROLL, yeah?

Haritu I wrote an entry about wanting to get my 16-year-old's Determination, right? People in the comments suggested that I just make a new me, which at first I didn't think was a good idea - but then I thought it might be a great idea to build an even better Determination for me, from scratch.

I was never an organized person. I'm all over the place and I procrastinate like its my job. Initially I blame it on my bringing up - there's no structure in my household, at all. I marvel at the fact that my friends have a solid schedule of housechores to do in between herself, her sister and her mom. When I first moved out of my house and to live in a dorm at boarding school, I was perplexed to see that most of my friends make their bed every morning, even when there isn't a dorm check due that day. So I realized that these people were trained by their parents to be disciplined and organized, and I wasn't. I worked hard in school simply because I wanted to escape living under one roof with my dad. I know it sounds terrible, but I was just a kid and life seemed like hell at home back then.

But now I'm all grown up - nearly 23. Sampai bila I want to put the blame on my parents, right? It's about time I be in charge of my life and if I needed a change, I should actively pursue it. If I needed structure and organization, I will find it and train myself to achieve it.

So I tried calling my college's Psychiatry Department to make an appointment, but they haven't returned my call. Please don't be alarmed, they said on their website that they could help with organizing study plans, that's why I wanted an appointment.

Yesterday I went into town and bought two books from Waterstone's - Getting Past OK by Richard Brodie and Getting Things Done by David Allen. I'm going to start reading Getting Past OK first, and everytime I write an entry I would end it with an update on what page I'm on, to make sure I keep going. Though it most probably will be really slow in these two weeks because I have lectures from 9-6 back to back, everyday!



Getting Past OK : page 0


Lalala said...

Atiqah:"I'm going to start reading Getting Past OK first"

P/S:"Getting Past OK : page 0"

wat this mean?

Tengku Atique said...

It means 'going to' is in future tense!