Friday, August 27, 2010

save money, save face.

everyday i check for my results.

by everyday i mean today because my exam just finished yesterday lolwut?

anyway. i was going to tell you about my money saving plans for this year. getting only school fees without any allowance at all from MARA next year means only one thing : i must starve to death this year in order to save up enough to be able to pay for rent and some food next year.

by starving to death i mean spend economically.

i'm the type of person who would buy anything that i like when it comes to things that i need. i don't spend money on frivolous things or on unnecessary amounts of shoes or handbags, but when i do, i spend big.

for example i'd refuse to wear anything but Clarks to hospital because anything else hurts my feet.

and i'm the kind of person who would buy the Colgate Total Whitening Super Clean We're Ripping You Off in the shiny silver box instead of Colgate White in a sad, plain, white box.

this principal applies to most of my things - cereal, pen, softener, biscuits, mayonaisse - i don't buy more than i need, but i almost always buy the more expensive ones, rationalizing it as 'i will like it and will use/eat all of it instead of giving it to someone else halfway through' or 'this is a brilliant investment'.

yeah, i know. i'm annoyed at myself, too.

so last time i went shopping, i put on my You Need To Save Some Money, Crazy Woman imaginary hat on and browsed through the aisles in Dunnes, painfully looking at reduced price and promotional items. picking the sad, plain, white box of Colgate instead of the pretty shiny silver one. reaching for Dunnes' full-of-sugar fake-corn frosted flakes instead of my usual cholesterol reducing Nestle Almond Oatflakes.

i won't lie guys, i nearly cried. it was pretty sad.


anyway. i don't mean to sound unthankful. just humoring myself with how stupid i was in Dunnes the other day. i'm glad at least i still have food.

when i got to the cashpoint i was pretty proud of the total amount i spent - WAY less than what i'm used to.

so let's hope i can keep this up and save roughly half of my allowance - E400 - per month. so i can pay my own rent next year and not live under my friends' roof at their mercy.

i'll keep you updated on my progress.

(it was also sad to put only half-tudung botol of softener into the washing machine just now, instead of my usuall full-tudung botol, tsk tsk tsk)

p.s. i'm ashamed to say i bought Panadol Advance in the shiny blue box instead of some other cheap paracetamol brands, out of habit. frequent migraine attacks in Ireland means i shop for Panadol along with my usual groceries, yes.



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