Friday, June 25, 2010

at the risk of being too much.

hey guys.

berhabuk gila tak blog ni?

i'm going through quite a lot right now, nak spell it out pun susah, rasa perit.

kepada semua smoker yang baca blog ni (YOU. i made you quit once. quit again please?), have you any idea how selfish you are? nanti tua bila sakit bukan diri sendiri je yang seksa, orang keliling semua seksa having to see you go through that much pain, but not being able to do anything about it. just...quit. please. it's not worth all the pain you're risking yourself and your loved ones.

also, for what seemed like the first time ever, my heart ached for my dad today. i saw how my grandpa dissed him and pushed him away, walaupun initially ayahnda mengamuk juga (dua-dua hotheaded) tapi last-last mengalah, diam dan sabar. i doubt i will have enough patience to handle it if my father called me stupid but expect me to be at his beck and call 24/7.

grumpy sick grandpa is grumpy.



Clueless in Love said...

I heard Paduka telling me of how Tokku disses him but it must be hard to watch. For all his (many) faults, I pity Ayahanda.

mimi said...

helo tiq!
lamo tok baca.
hows your grandpa?
semoga sihat lg k.
atiq pon hopefully sihat2 jah