Friday, March 12, 2010

colloquial english 101

1) call in - 'you can call in anytime you want!'

kita faham : boleh telefon bila-bila masa

sebenarnya : boleh datang (ke rumah/ke klinik/etc) bila-bila masa

2) do you have the time?

kita faham : adakah anda mempunyai masa terluang?

sebenarnya : ada jam tak, pukul brape ek?

3) dinner

kita faham : makan malam

sebenarnya : meal paling besar untuk hari itu. kalau orang irish, memang benda biasa refer to makan tengahari as 'dinner'

4) quarter to/quarter past - 'what time is it?' 'quarter to'

kita faham : kita tak faham

sebenarnya : as a general consensus, semua orang akan tahu roughly pukul berapa. kalau roughly pukul 1, maksud 'quarter to' is 12.45

5) bungalow

kita faham : rumah sebiji yang tidak melekat dengan rumah-rumah lain

sebenarnya : rumah setingkat

6) spuds - 'i had spuds for dinner'

kita faham : kita tak faham

sebenarnya : kentang



Iron Butterfly said...

"banglo" in kamus dewan is still rumoh sebijik not attached to any houses.

Tengku Atique said...

of course it is! that's why this is colloquial english 101. or probably just irish english 101...haha.

sassydewi said...

yeah my English (as in demonym, not language) teachers never say it as 'nine twenty' (9.20). it will always be 'something past/to' ie half past nine, twenty past nine.

Iron Butterfly said...

but i got the "call in" part alrite. haha.

Clueless in Love said...

ooohh.. i sure learned a few things today. kalu rumoh setingkat is bungalow, what is rumoh 2 tingkat on its own? kalu besar bulehla panggil mansion etc. kalu smaller rumoh 2 tkt macey white villa masuk category gapow?

Tengku Atique said...

Kakwe : toktau la pulok, huhu. we always ask 'how many floors are there in your house?' to the elderly patients to make sure they're not climbing stairs when it's not safe for them to do so. and they always asnwer with 'i live in a bungalow' which confused me. one day i got round to asking what they meant, and they said it means there's only one floor. huhu.

Awah said...

rumah 2 tingkat orang panggil 2-storey house tidok.. bungalow is always one storey...

Sakiinah said...

kita tak faham esp quarter to...humph~!!