Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kisah Clonmel 3

hi kesayangans.

2nd week on, and i'm still liking Clonmel so far. went venturing into town (James is from Clonmel and he laughingly corrected me when i said Wany and i are gonna go explore the 'city'). even though James kept saying it's small and is 'some dump', we found it really cute and pretty. there were hills and farms everywhere you look, it's a very irish town.

there was this one day when Dr Pillay (a consultant geriatrician) came in during the handovers and asked all the Registrars and SHOs to move to one side of the room, and Interns and students on the other - to form two groups to compete on diagnosing the case she's presenting.

we were like, weyh weyh takot nyehhh kena geng dengan interns lepas tu lawan senior doctors ni8y&*^&*hjb. at first we were really passive, the other team sangat kiasu dan tak kasik can langsung untuk budak-budak kecik seperti kami nak shine. haha kuang asam punya orang-orang tua. sampai Dr Pillay dah cam 'tanya la soalan weh korang!!' like that, baru kitorang start sikit-sikit tanya (at that stage we were probing further about the patient history from her).

pastu i asked 'What is she vomiting?' because nobody asked that yet, and Dr Pillay smiled triumphantly at me, as it turned out to be an important piece of the history (sebelum-sebelum ni jawapan kepada soalan2 diorang mostly 'No' je).

*looked over to the other team* 'Now you've got competition, guys.'
*turns back to Atiqah* 'She's vomiting food, and some bile.'

masa tu tersilap flash a 2-second long senyuman bangga ala Tengku Nadiah Liyana. hahaha.

mestilah that was the only time i spoke. lepas tu dah blur sbb through history macam bowel obstruction tapi all the tests came back negative. kah kah.

but we won the first case anyways because a brilliant (and good looking) Kuwaiti intern managed to make the right diagnosis.

The other team, of course, won the second one tanpa banyak pertandingan dari team kitorang sebab lepas kalah first round mungkin ego telah tercalar, maka mereka compete secara kiasu tahap dewa hahaha. I love the doctors there. Punya la banyak free time sampai sempat main kuiz-kuiz segala mak nenek.

The friday free indian food was marvellous as always, and i, like last week, killed the chance of losing any weight from not eating rice all week by eating double the amount everybody else is eating. i like indian food, especially when it's free.

'You're a very nice girl, doctor'

'Why thank you. Now tell me, you said you're living alone, is that right?'

'Yes doctor'

'Have you ever been married before?'

'Oh God no. I'm not that foolish'

I feel like kicking that old man walaupun beliau sangat adorable. Dah sakit-sakit macam tu sampai menyusahkan jiran sebelah rumah kena jaga makan pakai dia semua, masih nak kerek tentang perkahwinan.

Bye guys! Write soon.



Iron Butterfly said...

masa tu tersilap flash a 2-second long senyuman bangga ala Tengku Nadiah Liyana. hahaha. <--hakhakhakhakha... senyum/smirk banggo.

ohh.. Steven Lovesssss Indian food. *eh tak pasal-pasal*

Clueless in Love said...

masa tu tersilap flash a 2-second long senyuman bangga ala Tengku Nadiah Liyana ~ teehee. i like!

Tengku Atique said...

hahaha we really cant decide whether we love or hate how much of a snob she is, right