Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bangau pendek warna oren.

Minggu depan start rotation anaesthetics. I hope the teaching is good. I hope I have the mental capacity to memorize all the freaking drugs and their mechanism and whatever by the time I start, so I don't look stupid when they ask me questions, especially since Lim isn't going to be there to save my arse.

I'm going to miss Dr. Henry. He's definitely one of the smartest people I would ever get to know. Shahril (the intern) si pendiam who barely spoken a word to me actually asked,

'oh, second week start anaest ek?'

'....fourth week, Shahril'


'dah tiga minggu I'm in your team.'

'haha, rasa cam kejap gile.'

haih. tell me about it.

k la korang. gonna go masak dinner. got a free ride to clonmel minggu ni, kak aimi sewa kereta.

be good!


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