Friday, February 5, 2010

kisah Clonmel 2

Salam wbt


I just got back to Cork for the weekend, Nate said 'See you in 48 hours!!' when I said 'See you next week!!' to him as we were getting off the bus. Such a killjoy, that old man.

I have lots of stories to tell! but they'd be super long, so bear with me (or don't...whichever you like really)

Wany and I took the last bus to Clonmel last Sunday, and saw Nate getting on the bus as well. Stephen was kind enough to pick us up from the Clonmel bus station (which ended up being like a 5min walk away from the house...LOL). I was dreading sharing a house with the boys because I really didn't wanna get fully dressed to go to the bathroom, but it turned out fine because the boys all end up on 2nd floor, and the girls on the 3rd floor.

My room is big and since college is paying the rent and bills, we had the heater on 24/7. heck yes warm house *fistpump*

I LOVE the hospital, learned so much off it. Even though I got attached to a team with a fantastic registrar...the registrar is the only one who's fantastic. If he's not in, I won't learn anything. BUT. That was how I got to learn so much, because I toured the hospital and took histories from random patients and stopped at random clinics to ask the specialist nurses/radiologist to teach me. and they're all so nice as well, everyone welcomed me and was delighted to teach me.

There are a few dramas, in which I saw a 16 year old boy who was admitted under 'Sector 12' by the Gardai (i.e. the police) because his father said he got angry over a breakup and left the house with a knife, so the father won't let him back into the house. I've no idea what 'Sector 12' is. It's the first time I've ever seen a patient's file with the 'drug' section circled, and 'Cannabis/Hash' written beneath it.

There is also this time when we were doing ward round and the stressed out SHO suddenly broke down and cried and got the nurses all worried *sigh* the poor thing.

ALSO! I heard my very first lung base crackles and pan systolic murmur this week! YEAY!

and Wany told the group that I'm royalty (with me shaking my head no and telling them Wany's crazy...but they believed her anyway) so Nate is constantly poking fun at me about it,

such as

'Sorry about the dishes...I wanted to do them last night but I went upstairs and died'

'It's okay, the servants did it for you'


'What do you mean you can't find it, it's right here'

'That's too high for my eye level, I can't see it'

'Oh sorry princess, I'll get the porter to lift you up'


'I'm glad Wany told me you're royalty...LOL'

'I'm gonna kill her'

*sighhhhhh* last thing! On our first day there, I was going down the stairs to have breakfast, all dressed up to go to the hospital when I saw Wany on the stairs, and she told me that the boys said the stove isn't working.

When I went down to the kitchen, I saw all the three boys eating breakfast, and walked to the fridge to get my milk when Nate said 'Oh, we can't use the stove, by the way. Unless you can get it to work'

So I walked over to the stove, and saw that it's not a hot plate stove, so I lifted up the see-through cover. Bilal (the 3rd boy) saw me doing this, and said 'OH. Is THAT what we missed?? Lifting up the cover??'


Oh, boys.

I turned the knob on, pressed the ignite button, and the fire came on.

Kay I've to go now!

Nice catching up with you, blog!!

p.s. sorry I sound weird in the prev post, probably because Wany was behind me when I was writing it. just to make it clear...Maslin was never flirting with me, he was just asking questions, probably curious about living abroad or something. His girlfriend is just weird.



spekmataputih said...

hahahahah bangun pagi baco post ni n it makes me smile...hihihi

be HappY not CreepY said...

lama sungguh xdengar happy side of your life..

Tengku Atique said...


glad it made you smile, hows the new job??

i depressing sangat ker lately?? waaaaaaa~

spekmataputih said...

hehehe...job is ok...welcome to s.alam

Iron Butterfly said...

hahhaaah a friend of steven (the swiss-thai who came) actually commented at "steven is now friends with TNA" saying "ohhh... friends with a royalty now.."

apparently she's a malaysian friend of his sister whom studied in Switzerland. hahaha.

Tengku Atique said...

LOL funny how it means we're royal in malaysia but here it's just this weird name that's awkwardly repeated twice in my full name.