Tuesday, February 2, 2010

kisah Clonmel 1

Hey guys!

I'm in Clonmel. lama dah tak blog...ada lagi ke orang visit blog ni ek. hoho.

Banyak cite nak tulis, tapi kena simpan sebab Atiq takde intenet, ni pinjam tenet kat laptop Wany.

Ohh...background story: Atiq kena attachment kat Clonmel, which is in county Tipperary, which is not county Cork, which means I'm in a different house. I'm living with my classmates in a house my college rented out for me. 3 guys, 3 girls - more on that in a different post.

Anyway hari ni taknak cite pasal Clonmel, nak cite pasal Maslin. MAFASYNZ...ingat mesleng dop?

Maslin ni my sedara/jiran/childhood frenemy. Dulu masa guna Friendster, tiba2 Maslin found me and msged me, and I replied for old times sake slash menjaga hati kawan lama and sedara. Pastu I alwaaaayys make sure I don't reply when the conversation seem final and there isn't any question for me to answer. Tu pun kadang2 kalau ada soalan pun tak reply sebab malas. At that time Atiq tau he's got a very pretty girlfriend, tapi memang takde perasaan pun sebab he's Maslin. Adik beradik semua mesti faham.

Pastuuu bila dah lama lost contact dgn Maslin sbb dah delete account Friendster...tiba2 he found me dekat Facebook, and sent me a comment saying something like 'Atiq, dah lama tak dengar khabar, kat mana sekarang? balik tak raya cina ni?', and I replied saying 'raya puasa punnn tak balik apetah lagi raya cina. aku balik june'

Pastuuu tiba-tiba girlfriend dia hantar friend request and msg kat facebook 'hai....saya gf Maslin'

wahaha. mula-mula cam 'takpe-takpe, sila bersangka baik. mungkin die saje nak berkenalan.'

So I accepted the friend request and replied 'oh hai! you're so pretty :)'

Pastuuu tiba-tiba she replied dekat my wall yang Maslin tulis tu, saying 'Maslin takde Jun ni. Die duduk dengan awek die'

padahalll takde pun Atiq tanya 'Maslin ada keee kat Malaysia nanti?'

Kenapaaaa selalu kena marah dengan girlfriend orang :( Saya tidak bersalah.

Tapi kelakar jugak in a way...ngahaha. Dah lama tak kena marah dengan girlfriend orang.

Kalau la dia tahu she's waayyy prettier than me and doesn't need to feel threatened. Dah la Maslin?! I mean come on. Memang tak la.

Ok bai!



Iron Butterfly said...

he added me. obviously, i ignored. i don't add padang tok ku people.not even along's sisters. they can see my facebook thru along's account if they want.

Tengku Atique said...

i dont see the harm for me to accept, lagipun he's my childhood friend (so are along's sisters). i dont have many of those....walaupun bukeynyo saing sgt pun nga dio, baloh ado la sokmo. haha. kalu kakak memeyla x payoh add, tadop pekdohs.

dekpom gf dio tibo2 jah jeles, ko bukey ayat jeles eh gituh? tahu la.

Sakiinah said...

never ever add ex gf..they are the worst x cari pasal pun nak cari pasal..eh silap..gf orang hiks~ :P

Tengku Atique said...

sbb she was nice enough to send a msg introducing herself (kind of), so i add la....huhu. macam sombong tahap haram je kalau reject, kwang3. takpelah, i've nothing to hide from her.

maslin = budak comot/nakal yang benci perempuan masa kecik2. lol.

Clueless in Love said...

mujurla I am too old for maslin to add. cemar. kalu his gf dared to say stupid things like that to me, I'd have no problem giving her the stinging smackdown she deserves. muahahah.

Awah said...

hikhik.. he added me too... but of course i didnt accept his request. can't remember whether i ever had a proper conversation with him.. anyway he is mama's cousin.. x geng ah.. hikhik..