Thursday, January 14, 2010

epi rotation's ending!

i have a classmate who goes by the name of Nathan. he's a Canadian. which means he's old. i think he might be 30.

we were working on a group assignment together at the computer lab, telling each other random facts about South Africa statistics and AIDS prevalence and other magical stuff when i received a text. i flipped my phone open and frowned my brows in confusion when i saw that it said;

[from : Nate] 'anything else you want to report?'

i was like 'huh whh..?' and looked at him and he just shrugged it off like he didn't send any shiz to me. then i went on doing my work for about 5 minutes before i got another text that said;

[from : Nate] 'i take that as a no then'

i hit reply and typed;

[from : Atiqah] 'yeah, dad. that's a no'

we went on to do the assignment together via Skype tonight and he kept getting distracted with other things and i was getting slightly annoyed with him.

Nate : remember i'm old - i get distracted easily and my bedtime was like one hour ago - lol
Nate : i can't keep up with you kids - come on :(
Tengku Atique: yeah dad its okay
Nate : lol - thanks -
Nate : ok i'll be here if u need though
Nate : i'll get what i can get done here before i think - WHOA what in the hell are we doing
Nate : what u want me to put on it ????
Nate : j/k

*pulls hair*