Wednesday, January 6, 2010

sunny winter oh sunny winter.

  • i slipped on the slippery/icy road quite a few times but fell just once. this iz achievementz.
  • i quite like the winter now. it's pretty freaking cold, but hey - it's winter, one can't really complain about things that are meant to be like that. at least there's no rain or snow. that would be epic fail.
  • even though people never cease to amaze/confuse/anger me, i suppose i just have to muster more patience and have faith in the human race. after all, it's not like i have an alien race as an option.
  • i think the fact that i'm surrounded by so many people but at the same time i'm all alone is rather poetic, in a tragic kind of way.
  • after all these years of trying, i still suck at friendship. i just...don't know how to do it right.



love.prevails said...

eii how are you?
lamo tok bukok blog atiq, so i just wanna say hi..
sedaknyo dio g jalan..
souvenir tiq, hehe

Tengku Atique said...


gehehe...i bought a whole bunch of colourful eiffel tower keychains for people but semo orey pun ado banyok doh keychain tu (beli sdiri/ore bui) bc it's the most obvious souv from now nobody wants it :'( do you want one??

i'm good other than the fact that my lutut lebey, jatuh sebab jaley icy, adeyh. how be yoooouuu?? sokmo jah stalk fb page mimi, ehehe.

laavv. <3

Clueless in Love said...

i want an eiffel tower! save 1 for me :D