Wednesday, July 15, 2009

membeli-belah di Billion menimbulkan nostalgia.

hi hi.

I went to Billion today, buying food, plasticware and all that jazz for a barbecue at the beach tomorrow. Dad gave his usual 'Jangey gi maing-maing sangat kat air air tuh...makey orey tanoh situh tu..Ayohndo tahu la...' speech in the car and I gave my usual blank stare into the streets beyond the faded stickers on the windshield. I shall now refrain from yapping about the fact that I am a 22 year old fully grown lady.

I've been driving the Persona a lot lately, thanks to Mama, for backing me up with the car-stealing evil plots. Didie and Adik are still scared about it, and kept insisting that I drove slowly despite my going only at 70km/h. I stopped getting honked at, and my side-park has now more resemblance of a parked car, and less of a 'minyak habis kereta mati ditengah jalan'.

I went to buy nasik at kedai Kak Pah two mornings in a row, and Kak Pah went 'Adik skoloh mmano..?' with a smile to cover her being suspicious that I was skipping school. I smiled with all the kindness that I had, and replied softly, 'Sayo duk ngaji kat University,'

...Kak Pah whispered 'doh, mmaring dio mari doh,' to her daughter when her daughter softly scolded her for asking me that question, after I turned my back on them. I've been going there since years ago, and she still fails to recognize me. She probably only knows Kakwe and Kakak.

Oh. The Abdul Mutalib Rawas turned out to be a good-looking guy in his mid 30s. I expected somebody older, despite being confused with his young voice on the phone. Kakwe should go to Jaffar Rawas more often.

Bali came over to take half of the sponsored muqaddams (yeah the Rawas gave me muqaddams instead of qur'ans, but thats good enough I suppose, since Dee already managed to get hold of 110 copies of al-Qur'ans), and announced that my White Villa is besar macam istana. Haha...kalau dia datang last summer mesti dia cakap besar macam rumah hantu.

Mama dengan Tokwe bising tanya Bali anak sape because he lives nearby, and he might be related to us, as that is how things are in this here Wakaf Bharu, where everyone is related. Mama asked me to ask Bali sape nama mak dia but I didn't sebab takut Bali menyangka I have the hots for him dan bercerita macam-macam to my mom, padahal all I needed to say was 'Ma, saing Atiq nok mari ambik separuh muqaddam tu,' and she went all 'Anok sapo? Ngaji mano? Rumoh dio duk mano?' straightaway. Haih Mama ni sabar je...dahla bising-bising tanya kenapa tak ajak Bali naik rumah, Mama nak tanya dia anak sape. Adoooiiiii fenin I.

Right that's all. Jangan rindu-rindu dekat I. Heading off to Cambodia soon. Pray for my health and well-being k? omg risaunyeeee nak buat suturing kat budak-budak kat sanaaaa T___T

Sedang memakai baju kurung cotton.


Iron Butterfly said...

sek2 rawas ni semak2 kali. sebab Kheir Rawas tu meme semak. tapi kupik. heh. family name, not sure arab ko pakistan ko gapo namo.

Anonymous said...

hey u...
nok g cambodia rtingat ore kemboja jual colek naek basikal) bilo?
sy pulang 24july..
sero mcm bakal puah jah duk rumoh nanti, dating yukk?
atiq cuti sapa bilo?

Anonymous said...

eh sory tok igt tulis, mimi ni..
atas tu pon mimi jugok..
rtingat tu supposedly (tingat
abaikan typo ye...

Tengku Atique said...

mimiii. atiq gi 24th july, adeyh. 5 ogos baru balik. cuti sapa 22nd august. mimi? jom dating2 catchup2! its been ages.

mimi said...

now surely atiq g cambodia doh..
take care neh..
5th aug mimi g kl, insya allah..
cz 6-9th aug ada bakti siswa at kuala kedah..
haha..tadok jodoh 2 minggu ni tiq..
after that then ok la..
mimi cuti sapa 30aug..
okeyh let's roger2 later..heh