Monday, December 15, 2008

i'm back OMG OMG


still in the process of inviting people, then i'll write again k. i'm only planning on inviting, like, ten people. so if you're one of them, PLEASE FEEL SPECIAL K.


such malang people, got asked 'do u want in?' and had to say yes because very polite one all of you don't sampai hati to break my heart by saying no :p



broken English for the win


Ain Sallahuddin said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaa.....rindunyer nak baca blog atiq!!!huhuhu

Izlin said...


*vergenang air mata terharu....*

huhu. Atiq! I know i baru kenal u secara baik for few months tp i kenal u and bubble bath since last year. and god, bestnyerrrrrrrr u'r back........!!!

Love you tuhhhh~~~~

Izlin said...


I was planning to start with: I MISS YOU TOO ;)

-org spesel lagi

Tengku Atique said...

Ain : aaaaa rindunye kat ain!!!!

Iz : :D :D :D

Iron Butterfly said...

hahahaha i knew it. u can't leave this thang for too long. Are u planning to invite older people (u know what i mean ok) too? if no, then u shall link my blog to yours.

Tengku Atique said...

hahah, toksey eh invite her. that'd be too weird/awkward. i'll link your blog to mine, but later when i'm not as lazy. i only have like 8 readers though!