Wednesday, December 17, 2008

a functioning laptop...NO WAY.

so i spent like a whopping 160euros on repairing my laptop. upgraded the RAM to 1GB (it was only a 512 before!! rase nak hantuk kepala k, patutla lembab!), replace the hard drive with the same 40GB one because the 60GB would've costed me 90+euros all on its own, and recover all my data and reinstall the windows. And the too-helpful guy at the shop has kindly set all the settings on my browser to Malaysia. the weather forecast and the news are on Malaysia, and even my blogger page is automatically opening in Bahasa Malaysia. Yay. Selamat Datang ke Blogger! Sila log masuk.

i'm pretty sure if i'm to wait till Summer and get all these done in Malaysia it probably won't cost me the 160euro equivalent (800ringgit?) but i can't function without my laptop! and to buy the sexy MacBook i'd have to have 1000euros, uwwaaa. i'll never be able to bring myself to spend that much money on something i don't really have to have, even if i can afford it.

anyway i'm happy enough to have a normal functioning laptop, not a crazy one that won't let me watch YouTube and takes like an hour to load only to get stuck after 10 minutes of usage. grandad bought this laptop for me, which explains why i haven't been slamming it on the wall everytime it stops working while i'm in the middle of something important (and by important i mean watching Grey's Anatomy).

i'm going to Glasgow in a few days, i'm so freaked out about that. it's going to be insanely cold. i'm already freezing in Cork where it's only 2degrees, i'm not sure i can handle negative degrees. oh God.

WOW this entry is boring. it's not easy getting back into the swing of things after stopping for a couple of months, haha.

there are only eight of yous reading my blog now. haha. good times.


Iron Butterfly said...

34C is back in public after i think they get bored of trying. but i'm still yet to take out any potentially-damaging pictures in it. too lazy.

and the real reason i got bored is because i'm sick to have only 62 invited readers, knowing i'm talking to the same people and not a larger audience. I got writer's block because of that.

but i'm still careful not to put anybody's full name (well, I'd put Ron's though just for the heck of it. his wife gotta wifey blog d'ya know?) lest i got googled.

Ain Sallahuddin said...

atikus!!!atiq nakgi glasgow?ain ade kawan kat sane..her family is there..die pon baru balik die kina..if u see her then say hi to her key..hahaha..kalau atiq sempat berkenalan dgn family kat sane la.hehe

miss u!!

Iron Butterfly said...

my friend, Munie (pr Mocque among budok2 kat UK and SSP) i think is working at a hospital there. Im not sure though. She went to uni in glasgow, so i'm just assuming she's working there too lah.

Anonymous said...

the laptop is functioning..


why there is no new blog to read!?!

Tengku Atique said...

Kak: i've met kak Mocque a few times during events over here, and she laughed almost maliciously when she found out that i was Azah's standard 1 little sister when she was in std6! saba je la. i didn't see her when i was in Glasgow though, she's probably working.

M: too many things to be done, too little time! but you've a new one now :]