Monday, January 28, 2008

odd hours nocturnal weird sleep blablabla

i am exceptionally bright in coming up with good titles.

its been really odd. i have been having way too frequent migrain attacks, and i'm beginning to think theres something wrong with my eyes. perhaps my astigmatism got worse. Lynn and Lala were forcing me to go have a checkup but i just cant bring myself to waste my precious before exam time by going down to town. a week wont make much difference i suppose :/

slept early and woke up super early during one of the migrain nights, and amazingly enough, Kakwe called at 5 am Ireland time, all chirpy and cheerful without a care in the world about the 7 hour time difference, haha. she forgot about it, apparently, thank God i was already wide awake, even though i think i was still a bit slow. i hope Kakwe didnt think i ran out of things to say on purpose...i guess my brain couldnt quite register me having a phone conversation at 5 in the morning, gomenne Kakwe! i havent heard your voice in ages, 'twas a very pleasent surprise :]

on a more random note, i love the way my house almost always have leftover home-made cake in the fridge for me to eat at midnight, haha.

i have a really strong urge to rant about recycling and global warming....but that prolly isnt a good idea. people wud stop reading anyways, its already a long entry.

i've only just realized that this post doesnt serve any purpose at all to my readers (except if you love me, yes yes...i know you do, go on, admit it :D), all it does is make me happy :] i love writing.


i prolly should go to sleep now.

salam alaik,
xoxo :]

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

some AMAZING things

i need to study but a couple of pretty amazing things happened to me and i just need to write it down before the excitement goes away.

yesterday morning, the first thing i noticed out my window when i threw back the orange curtains was this ultra-gorgeous-super-bright HUGE rainbow. it've been forever since i last saw a perfect semicircle gigantore (okay that may not be the best adjective for this) rainbow, so it was quite an amazing way to start a day :] i took pictures of it, but,like i said,its huge. hence i cudnt capture the whole of it from my bedroom window. you'd just have to make do with what i have, kay?

and this night the study group finished pretty late, and it was dark by the time i walked out of the library. and as soon as i stepped out of the building, i saw this shiny, perfectly round, full moon! its not the normal full moon, its sparkly and its really HUGE (okay i know i said huge way too much already). its THE most stupifyingly beautiful full moon i've ever witnessed, and i was completely in love with it, and i was taking pictures every few step i take (read:exaggeration). though, of course, all the pictures look the same, captured with my humble phone.

and the last amazing thing is. i always buy this fantabulous smoothie called Innocent, right. and they always have the cutest most random stuff scribbled all over their smoothie cartons. apart from tasting awesome-ly fruitylicious, the company has great values that i appreciate very much i.e. involved in environment friendly productions, constant funding for charities, fruits direct from farmers which means they're not underpayed, and a strict no modern-day chemical crap in their smoothies. so you get the point,right..i love them.

back to the story about the last amazing thing.

Mas bought me my favourite Mango & Passion Fruits Innocent smoothie, so i was all excited when i got back home. because the scribbling on the Innocent cartons are ever-changing, i've developed a habit of turning the carton around while i drink it (from a glass. i pour a glass of it and then turn the carton around while drinking it. i dont drink from the carton and turn it around, because that's the most amazingly crappy thing to do,the smoothie'll spill all over.anyway.) to find random new stuff they print. i always check even at the bottom of the carton, because theres a couple of times there were pretty cute/amusing doodles there (yes, i am lame. tell me something i DONT know :p)

so it turns out, as i was peeking at the bottom of the carton, instead of the normal doodles, there's a sentence there. as i squint my eyes to read the small font, i realized that it said;

'stop looking at my bottom'

and burst out laughing.

so there's my amazing things. i appreciate the little things in life that gives me that dose of endorphine that i totally need right now.

[wow i use a lot of non-existent words in this one]

[end of crappy blog entry]

right...back to the books i go!

salam alaik,

p.s. will upload pics after the exams!
edit : omg i'm sorry i never got to uploading them, my hp's bluetooth isn't working right!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


atiqah, its just a term exam. okay? okay. do not go mental. do not go mental.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Being one who had failed before
it consumes your emotions
it doesn't come in waves
it's constant.
it's always there, haunting your every thought,
eating you up inside.
you feel numb
you feel awkward
and you just wish that
you can have this silvery liquid
come out of the pores of your very skin
cover you
every inch of you
and make you invisible
unheard of

you heart sinks every time people say you're strong
because deep inside you
you know that you're actually not
that you're so scared of failing again
it makes you numb

you're hard as rock on the outside
you protect yourself from feeling anything
you're terrified of your own true emotions,
because you've felt it before.
a dark looming depression
that one either come out of; sane, scarred and insecure.
or numb, weak, and defeated.

there is no such thing as coming out of it stronger..
or is there?

i need hugs :(

Friday, January 11, 2008

Nurin Alert (!!!) omgomgomgOMG

to Tembam (if u still read my blogs) i'm sorry i'm such a lousy Blogger for Nurin Alert. i didnt realize there's a new case up until now!

i hope i have enough living-in-malaysia readers to make this affective. or if you readers have your own blogs, copy this picture to your blog kay? it'll mean everything to this child's parents. i'll pray that she's okay...PEOPLE IN PJ DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS PLAY AT THE PLAYGROUND WITHOUT AN ADULT WATCHING OVER THEM. so much as we hate the culprit criminal and so much as we're doing our best to help, people, too, need to be careful with their kids. it should be obvious by now that outings alone or with a young sibling/friend, even short distance ones, should never be allowed. tantrums are the least we should worry about.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008




okay i know i said i wont write as frequently but i'm still writing pretty frequently. but not as long, so it takes like 5 mins je.

i hate Friendster sebab nobody ever updates it anymore and sebab atiq pun malas jugak nak update. i shall not be defeated by the peer pressure to make a Facebook account!!! waaaarghh. tanak tanak tanaakkk!

i got the first item i bought off e-Bay :D saw a receipt for failed delivery when i got back from class last two days. so i went to Togher's Sortings Office to get it. but i'm not as excited as i could have been, receiving that package. because i thought it was a parcel from Mama (which i had been waiting for for like, FOURRRR months!~). so i was quite frustrated. because it wasnt my Maggis and Colour Pens and Bekas Ubat Gigis and Buku Notas. but i would have been very excited if i had known earlier on that the failed-to-deliver-package was from e-Bay and not mama. oh well.

(yes yes so you're wondering what i bought off e-Bay)

except that i dont have the updated with a new chapter thing.
it's second hand and it's hard cover, it only costed me like E0.50 ^.^

it's the new Harry Potter, y'all!!~
haha. except you dont get free wands when u buy it!~ :p

yeap. i can't wait to start reading it. i'm going to do so as soon as i'm done with my paper.


the paper. my term exam. 4th Feb. doakan?~

and guess what?

Mama finally gave me permission to work. :D

p.s. Pareq and Di are 1st and 2nd in line to borrow it, i'll announce it when the book is available for me to loan it to you kay?? hee.


Monday, January 7, 2008


Atiq tau mama x baco blog ni, oleh itu atiq nk tulish ni..sbb kalu mama baco kekgi mama nga kakwe wak suko ko atiq (cehs)

Mama, atiq rindu. nk makey ayey goreng excessive minyok. nasik gorem hok tadop gapo2 except telur sbak mama malah bbaso nk tulom asing sayur ko adik. ayey rebus black pepper hok mama suruh atiq carik sbb mama nok wak makaroni bakar. nk temey mama gi pasar. gi beli groceries kat KBMall. dengar mama keno mmapuh ko Tokwe. wak suko ko mama sbb mama brehi tlajok ko slurpey kaler hija. dengar mama panggil atiq tiki tiki tok.

ni pukul23:07 kat Ireland, mama mesti baru nk bangun Subuh. Atiq nk gi study Blood ni..lepah mama smayey Subuh, mama doa Atiq k..?


p.s. maaf jika tidak memahami :]

Sunday, January 6, 2008

for the love of God, woman. use.more.lotion.